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October 1, 2006
All the excitement of Saturday caused us to sleep in on Sunday and we missed mass, but the kids made it to CCD, while Dan and Amy did the food shopping for the week.  During the afternoon, Amy took Ian to Anthony�s birthday party at the Cocoa Beach Holiday Inn.

October 2, 2006
Coral and Jordan went back to all-daycare camp.  Later, Coral had soccer practice and Amy, Jordan, and Ian played at the park while Dan was stuck doing the weekly laundry.

October 3, 2006
Dan and Amy traveled into work together again while the Jeep got its 30,000 mile maintenance completed.  That was the extent of the excitement for the day due to the lack of activities.

October 4, 2006
All was normal in our world and Ian had his soccer practice, not much else to report.

October 5, 2006
Amy took Coral to the orthodontist to find some good news and some bad news.  The good news is, Coral does not need braces just yet and her overbite is not getting any worse.  The bad news is, with no need to pay for braces and the year near the close, we may lose our flexible spending medical account money if we don�t use it�this may mean that Dan will be getting that new liver he has been fancying for a while.  Later, the whole gang went to Coral soccer practice at the park.

October 6, 2006
The camp took a trip to the Iceplex and both Jordan and Coral enjoyed themselves skating around and pretending that it is cold.  Later, it was the usual gymnastics with an unusual twist�some time between this week and last week, Ian lost the will to do gymnastics, so he will have just this month before he hangs up his tights.

October 7, 2006
Ian had another early game, but only Dan attended because Amy wasn�t feeling up to par.  Once that was done, it was time to get to work on the yard.  This routine will be finishing soon because of the fall and winter months approaching, but for now it is business as usual.  Later, we made a trip to BJs and fired up the grill and cooked a few of the items we purchased.

October 8, 2006
Happy Birthday to Pap/Gene!!!
We got back into the church and CCD swing of things.  Amy joined Jordan�s class as an assistant and said she enjoyed learning all about the Catholic way, while Dan did the shopping.  The rest of the day we enjoyed the beautiful fall-in-Florida weather.  We would like to mention a big victory in the Sunday night Steeler game, but with Big Ben slumping the way he is, we will leave it at that and move on to another topic�the big day off tomorrow!

October 9, 2006
Happy Birthday to Gramma/Judy!!!
Today is Columbus Day and the annual date day for Dan and Amy.  We dropped the kids off at their schools and headed to Grills for breakfast.  We were a bit disappointed that we didn�t once again see Mr. Kennedy (KSC�s Center Director), but we did not let that spoil the meal and we saw some others that we knew.  Next we met John and Krista at Ron Jon�s Resort and spent the day relaxing at the pool and beach.  We couldn�t help ourselves and constantly remind each other of the fact that there was no one there saying things like, �DAAAAD� or �MOOOOM��ahhhh, the peace.  At about 4 PM it was time to climb down from the clouds and pick up the kids.  Once we got home, they did some playing in the front yard.  Once the kids were in bed, Dan and Amy realized that sitting and relaxing all day takes a lot out of you.

October 10, 2006
Dan had his yearly check-up with the dermatologist and every thing was clear.  At work, Amy and the RehabWorks staff got a tour of the orbiter, Discovery from one of the patients.

October 11, 2006
Just your simple, run-of-the-mill day with Ian�s soccer practice added on for good measure.

October 12, 2006
Amy had a doctor�s check-up, so Dan had some help when her appointment ended on time and she picked-up Jordan and Coral while Dan picked-up Ian.  Later, Coral had soccer practice.

October 13, 2006
Coral and Jordan had their final day of intersession camp and went to the bowling lanes to celebrate.  Later, the weekly trip to gymnastics went off without a hitch.  After gymnastics, Amy took Jordan and Coral to a little Halloween party at the Taffer�s where they bobbed for apples and had other ghoulish fun.  While they were off enjoying Friday the 13th, Amy and Dan had a visit from Lalitssa, Dan�s intern circa 2004 from Puerto Rico.  She is now working full time at KSC in Dan�s office and came for dinner and conversation.

October 14, 2006
Because Jordan and Coral were out late the night before, they slept in and Dan took advantage of their laziness and also slept while Amy took Ian to his 8:30 AM game.  We all were out of bed in time to make Coral�s 1 PM game and cheer her team on to victory, 2-0.  Amy then went on a shopping spree and met Krista to get her monthly pedicure.  Dan, Coral, Jordan, and Ian all went to the Shaffers and played on the outdoor playground while everyone enjoyed the perfect weather of the day.  After their appointment, Amy and Krista joined in on the fun and we all ate dinner.

October 15, 2006
The kids must have realized that this was the last day of their break because instead of their normal �alarm clock� accuracy for church, we slept too late to make it in time.  We did, however, make it to CCD and Publix for the week.  Afterwards, Ian�s soccer game was cancelled because only 3 players from each team were able to make the 1 PM kick-off, so we took advantage of the free time by playing out in the perfect weather and completing Coral�s science project.  Later, the real Steelers finally showed up and put a beating on the Chiefs, 45-7!

October 16, 2006
It was the first day back at school for Jordan and Coral.  They were both excited to get back to school and the routine of school.  Later, Coral had her soccer practice, which is getting shorter because of the lack of sunlight�must be autumn.

October 17, 2006
We had no evening activities lined up (doesn�t include Coral�s after-school show choir, which was also back in the swing of things), so Amy utilized the �crock-pot technology� to cook dinner and it was good!  These are the ways we try to keep our family life normal�yeah, right!

October 18, 2006
During Ian�s soccer practice, it was Dan�s turn to get the dinner normality coordinated at the Florida Remberts� house.

October 19, 2006
Rounding out the week and heading into the home front, Coral had no show choir, but she did have soccer practice.  We also ate another good home-cooked dinner using the crock-pot allocating it to a favorite part of our new dining life.

October 20, 2006
Once Amy relieved Dan of his duties at gymnastics, he went to Melbourne and played and more importantly won in the poker room at the dog race track.

October 21, 2006
Busy, busy, busy�Dan and Jordan went to Coral�s soccer game in Rockledge while Amy went to Ian�s soccer game.  After the early games, we met up at home and turned right around to go to the North Merritt Island Picnic.  This was fun with horseshoes, kids� games, bar-b-que, and friends�the Trouts and the Shaffers were among the folks we saw there.  The only down side was the heat, but we took care of that at home with a quick dip in the pool.  It wasn�t too long after we arrived home, we were back on the road�we went to dinner at Steak �N- Shake and then to Wal-Mart where we finalized our Halloween costume shopping.

October 22, 2006
We made it back to church again, then CCD for the kids and Publix for the adults.  While Dan watched the marathon Steelers� game against the Falcons, which ended in another overtime loss (41-38), Amy cleaned and the kids played and even fit in some swimming with the record heat in Florida.  After the game, Amy, Dan, and Coral worked on her science project while Dan worked on dinner.  Ian must have had too much fun because he decided to take a nap on the floor of his room and didn�t wake until the next day.

October 23, 2006
Dan has his six-month visit with the dentist and everything worked out fine.  The other big news in our area is about the weather�after the record highs this weekend, we are now going to dip down into the 40s at night this week.

October 24, 2006
It was a nice, clear, crisp, sunny day only going to the upper 60s�the real reason why it is so nice to live in Florida.

October 25, 2006
Ian didn�t have soccer practice, but that didn�t stop us from being busy�Amy�s parents came visit and stayed at our beach home for a week at the Ron Jon�s resort.  Thanks to our timeshare membership, we were able to find them a place to stay because we purchased a last-minute �bonus nights� at a much reduced price.  The only down sides to this ownership perk are we can only book time within 15-days of arrival and the benefit is not transferable, but we got lucky that it is very off-season and we were able to get a nice two-bedroom, pool-side unit for the week.  Later, we watched the night launch of the Delta II Rocket at about 8:50 PM, which delivered the STEREO Satellite to orbit to take pictures of the sun storms.

October 26, 2006
Coral had one of her last practices.  With soccer coming to a close, we are not sure what we will do with all the extra time?!

October 27, 2006
After gymnastics, the kids were off to spend the night at Ron Jon�s and Dan and Amy enjoyed a night on the town with John and Krista as a childless couple.

October 28, 2006
After the morning rain storms passed by, Coral and her team were able to fit in their game without getting wet.  The game was a good one the ended in a tie against the best team in the league.  After the game concluded, we went to lunch at TGIFridays and then shopped for an outfit for Coral�s upcoming field trip to a play at the King Center where she has to be �dressed up�.  That night, Dan and Amy went with Genese and Troy to a Halloween party for the first time since circa 1998�Dan was Doug Heffernan (The King of Queens) in an IPS uniform and Amy was Heath Miller in a Steelers uniform.  The party was at �a-friend-of-a-friend�s place� (Genese and Troy�s accountant) and does this guy go ALL OUT for Halloween!  He had stuff every where!  Every room including the garage was decorated with life-sized mannequins, bloodied heads, ghouls, death and destruction abound�pretty damn impressive.

October 29, 2006
We went to church and everyone but Dan went to CCD because Amy volunteered for Jordan�s CCD class.  Dan stopped by McDonalds for a quick breakfast before Publix for the weekly shopping spree.  Amy and the kids went to Ron Jon�s in the afternoon while Dan stayed behind to watch football and cook dinner.  The Steelers had a late game, but should not have shown up at all.  Another big loss to the worst team in the league, the Raiders, puts them at 2-5 and in very dire straights�at least the chicken dinner during the game was good.

October 30, 2006
After school and work, Dan, Ian, and Jordan joined Coral�s soccer practice for some fun.  Because this was their second to last practice for the season, they held their annual parents and siblings vs. the team game�the team won by one goal.

October 31, 2006
Happy Halloween!!!
Ian and the boys in his class got to dress as cowboys and Coral and Jordan had to wait until the evening to dress up.  Once we got home, the kids got excited and into their costumes�Ian was the Green Power Ranger, Jordan was a Cheerleader, and Coral was an evil twin with Lauren.  We went around the neighborhood and collected the goodies, came home and sorted the goodies, and then watched �Mad Monster Party� and ate the goodies.
The Florida Remberts
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October 2006
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