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May 1, 2006
Happy May Day!!!
After we were all done swinging around the May pole, we headed home and completed some weekly tasks such as laundry and food shopping.

May 2, 2006
Coral, Jordan, and Ian all had afternoon dentist appointments, so Dan and Amy switched up the daily duties�Dan was in charge of the morning activities and Amy took the kids to their scheduled meeting.  Later, it was off to the ball field.

May 3, 2006
Dan�s office is getting ready to move�same building, different floor.  If there was a delay in postings (which there was), this was the reason.

May 4, 2006
Happy Birthday to 6th Jordan!!!
After work and school, we gathered up the troops and celebrated Jordan�s at Grills.  We also enjoyed the outdoor dining experience.

May 5, 2006
Merry Cinco de Mayo!!!
The �big move� at work is ready for lift-off.  Dan got his hair cut by a professional for the first time in a long while, but it wasn�t as good as Amy�s for the price.

May 6, 2006
Happy Birthday to the other Floridian, Tim!!!
Today was Jordan�s 6th Birthday Party.  She chose to have a Luau theme and all the guests were dressed in grass skirts and leis.  The kids played games, ate cake & ice cream, and swam all afternoon.

May 7, 2006
We all got back on the church train and killed the sinner�s tag.  We also tried a new breakfast restaurant after church (this is our goal to hit-up a new place until we find our favorite).  After church, we all headed to the Shaffer�s where Dan and the kids stayed to play and Amy and Krista went to Shannah�s baby shower.

May 8, 2006
Dan made a quick business trip to Illinois and left Amy in charge of the family affairs.

May 9, 2006
Dan was in meetings all day long and made it back to Florida late.  Coral had her last softball game of the season and Amy, Jordan, and Ian were there to cheer her on.

May 10, 2006
With the office move in full gear, Dan and his fellow personnel had to �find� work.

May 11, 2006
After work and school, Ian�s school/daycare had their graduation ceremony, which Ian and his classmates played a part in�he was a lobster and the color blue in the little play.

May 12, 2006
Happy Birthday to Aunt Re Re!!!
Hopefully this will be the last day of the move at Dan�s work.  As any typical Friday, the evening was filled with gymnastics fun!

May 13, 2006
We did a few chores around the house, but found some time to get some swim-time in before the day was complete.

May 14, 2006
Happy Mother�s Day!!!
We did our Sunday thing of church and breakfast, but we didn�t venture to a new restaurant because of the Mother�s Day crowd�instead we went to Denny�s and will try a new place next week.  After the presents were opened, we spent the rest of the day by the pool so Amy could relax.  For dinner, we went to Amy�s choice, the Roadhouse Grill in Titusville.

May 15, 2006
It was exactly 6-years ago when Dan walked on KSC land for the first time for his new job, so it was appropriate that he started today in his new cubicle on the 5th floor.

May 16, 2006
Jordan attended Riley�s Birthday party after school, but because there was no softball, the rest of the family had no activities.  Thankfully we had our first rainy day since February, which may have been the reason for the frog incident�we found a Cuban Tree Frog in Dan and Amy�s bathroom toilet.  Luckily no one was hurt, just startled.

May 17, 2006
After work and school, Amy took Coral, Jordan, and Ian to Beef O�Brady�s for GEMS night and met Genese and the kids�Dan was stuck home to do the chores like Cinderella.

May 18, 2006
Dan and Coral had a bit of a date night this evening�Dan joined Coral at school for a chorus concert in the cafetorium, an art show and bake sale in the main hallway, and math games in the library.  While that was going on, Amy took Jordan and Ian to get some new shoes.

May 19, 2006
With Amy the only one at work, she was able to set her own hours and came in early to take the early shift at gymnastics.  This allowed Dan to take the late shift, but that was the extent of all.

May 20, 2006
Today was closing ceremonies for softball, which the whole family attended.  Coral and her team got their trophies for the year and said good-bye (but not for long...see the 21st entry).  After the closing ceremony and lunch, we did some swimming and grilling out�must be the summer season.

May 21, 2006
Another successful church visit and a new place for breakfast on this Sunday.  After a quick change and a side trip to drop off the lawn mower for some general service, we went to Coach Kevin's house for the Hurricanes' end of the year party.  Most of the team showed up and could be found swimming in the pool (some dads and siblings were also in the pool including Dan, Jordan, and Ian) except for the times to eat�it was a fun time for all!

May 22, 2006
Today is a very important day in Dan and Amy�s past�to read more check out the timeline!
We almost forgot that we had to take the Jeep in for service this morning, but don't worry our heroes finally got over the case of the Mondays and the Jeep is all ready to go.

May 23, 2006
We had some interesting visits after work and school.  Dan took Zoey to get her last shot before she will be boarded for vacation and Amy took Jordan for her 6-year check-up.  Once again Jordan is doing well�she is in the 10th percentile in weight (35 lbs) and 25th in height (44 in).  While at the doctor's, Coral got a quick diagnosis while there to find out about the rash on and around her nose.  The good news is that it is nothing a little topical cream can't rid.

May 24, 2006
Not much going on today�at least nothing to report.

May 25, 2006
See May 24, 2006 entry.

May 26, 2006
Of course, we had our normal Friday gymnastics classes, but afterwards Coral went on a sleep-over trip to Lauren�s house.

May 27, 2006
The big event of today was the visit to our friendly neighborhood photographer.  We had some family portraits taken and are excited to see how they all turned out�please stay tuned in here to hopefully see them in the near future.

May 28, 2006
Today was a very busy day, which started off at church and breakfast at yet another new venue.  We then ventured over to Home Depot to get the supplies needed for our next task, which was remulching and fixing a screen on the back porch.  After getting too hot to do any more work, we cooled off by jumping in the pool for a little while before our next adventure.  We surprised the kids by taking them to see "Over the Hedge", which was a good, but not great summer, animated movie for the family�Amy gives it 3 "long winks".  Because it was late, we didn�t feel like making dinner, and we worked up good appetites by working all day, we decided to try a new restaurant just outside the mall�Uno Chicago Grill.  The food was good and the atmosphere was better because the place was so big they didn�t mind that Ian, Jordan, and Coral were yelling at the table.  By the time we got home, it was bedtime and Dan and Amy rested as they watched the DVD of "Fast Times at Ridgemont High".

May 29, 2006
Happy Memorial Day!!!
We celebrated Memorial Day by having the Shaffer's over for some swimming and grilling out�good food, good friends, and good times!

May 30, 2006
Today is the 20th Anniversary of Dan and Amy's first date�the day it started!  Back to the year 2006, there is not much going on other than having to get back into the routine of work and school.

May 31, 2006
Wednesday is hump-day and we�ve got nothing to say!
The Florida Remberts
Diary Archives
May 2006
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