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May 1, 2005
After we spent the morning relaxing, the afternoon was spent finding the May-pole behind the boxes of junk in the garage and we unpacked the last few boxes and parked the van in the garage.  The Jeep will be soon to follow once we "give to the poor" for our tax deduction.

May 2, 2005
We all helped the Flamingos (Coral's team) celebrate the end of the season party and met up with the rest of the girls at the Cocoa Beach Sonny's...mmmm B-B-Q!!!

May 3, 2005
Because the extra activities are all winding down now, Dan and Amy could take the time after work and dinner to get the house in order and load up the computer with all the software.  We are now ready to accept e-mail at our personal address!

May 4, 2005
Happy 5th Birthday to Jordan!!!
After work, school, and daycare, the driving rains cancelled Coral's make-up game, but it gave us a chance to celebrate Jordan's birthday at Steak -n- Shake with shakes for everyone!

May 5, 2005
Happy Cinco de Mayo!!!
After we all got home and ate, Amy and Coral shopped for a veil for Coral's first holy communion with gramma's money (the best way to shop), but couldn't find any shoes for the big day.

May 6, 2005
Because the poker game for this week was cancelled, we didn't have much to do, but gymnastics class and later a dinner (pizza) date for Dan and Amy.  We also got the house back in order and cleaned for the party tomorrow.

May 7, 2005
Today was Jordan's big 5th birthday party at the house, so we spent most of the morning preparing for the crowd of 4 and 5 year olds to invade.  The party went very well...the kids played games, ate cake, and ran around "partying".  After a quick clean-up, Dan and Amy went out to dinner with Dan and, that is not a misprint, Dan, our realtor, is married to Amy and they took us out for a "thank you", relaxing dinner.

May 8, 2005
Happy Mother's Day!!!
Well it was Amy's turn to relax and she did!  She sleep-in, ate her prepared breakfast, opened her presents, and then lay by the pool all afternoon.  Later, we got some dinner and Dan did her daily chores.  The only work she had to do was to cut Dan's hair after Dan cut Ian's.

May 9, 2005
On the way out of work, Dan discovered that the battery in the Caravan went completely dead at some point during the day.  Level-headed, Dan called Amy to locate some jumper-cables, she soon arrived with said cables, and Dan was on his way and purchased a new battery...all before Coral's final softball game.  Ahhh, what a night filled with varying emotions.

May 10, 2005
Are you all ready for this one?!?!  We had nothing going on...WOO HOO!!!

May 11, 2005
Well, the continuing saga of the orthodontia appliance for Coral is back on�literally.  She went back in the orthodontist chair and got a new corrective device put in, but this one is more comfortable and hopefully will work much better.  In other news, the vacation train of visitors for Coral's first Holy Communion started today when Amy's parents arrived from Pittsburgh�more to follow with members of Dan's family to arrive on Friday for the big occasion and to see the new house for the first time.  Zoey was also groomed today for the big event�we just hope that this doesn't make her think she is welcome at church to witness the spiritual affair.

May 12, 2005
Happy Birthday to Marie!!!
After work, school, daycare, and then dinner, Coral had her practice for the First Communion Mass.  The kids walked in and out, up and down the aisles until they got it right!

May 13, 2005
Not only did the usual suspects of Judy (Gramma), Gene (Pap), and Marie (Aunt Re Re) make it to town, but we had a special appearance by Aunt Laney and Uncle Whitey to witness the Communion, closing ceremonies, and graduation over the next week.  After everyone got settled in, congratulated the Florida Remberts on the new house, and ate their pizza, the men-folk and kid-folk stayed behind as the women-folk went to see the movie "Monster-In-Law".  Everyone enjoyed the flick and Amy gives it 1 1/2 "long winks".

May 14, 2005
The day started with a little work around the house and yard.  Mid-way through, Gene showed up to help.  Soon after we decided to quit working and start swimming, a party spontaneously broke out with the arrival of Judy, Marie, Laney, and Whitey.  After we all got cleaned-up, all the visitors joined the Florida Remberts at a favorite local bistro, Grills for a dinning experience.

May 15, 2005
5-Years of Work at KSC for Dan!!! Happy 1st Holy Communion Day to Coral!!!
The first communion mass went very smoothly and Coral looked absolutely beautiful!  Enough with the "mushy-proud-parent stuff", the party rocked too.  The kids swam most of the day while the adults watched and talked.  Later, a reality-show nightmare was side-stepped when TiVo saved the day�Extreme House Make-over was moved to the bedroom TV while Survivor grand finale was shown on the main TV and The Contender was recorded to be watched later.

May 16, 2005
After work, school, and daycare, the entire gang had a good ol' cook-out with steaks on the grill and all the fixin's.  Once the bellies were filled, Dan, Amy, Gene, and Whitey shopped for new shrubbery to fill the gaps in the backyard parcel and Marie, Coral, and Jordan shopped for treats for Jordan's birthday and Coral's 1st communion.

May 17, 2005
This evening was the big Lassie League closing ceremonies, which everyone attended.  To close-out the closing, we then all headed to Beef O'Brady's with Shannah, David, and Sierra where kids ate for free and fun was had by all in the party of 16.

May 18, 2005
With nothing going on in the evening, we just got a quick visit from the Remberts and the Rusts.

May 19, 2005
Tonight was the big night for the graduation program!  Ian had a cute little role and played it to perfection as one of "the stars in the night sky" in the story the kids did, "The Story of Ruth".  Jordan and her classmates were the main players and Jordan was Ruth.  She was fantastic and sang and smiled her heart out!  The evening was topped off by the graduation ceremony and cake afterwards.  Gramma, Pap, Aunt Re Re, Aunt Laney, Uncle Whitey, and the entire Florida Rembert clan had rave reviews of Jordan's portrayal of the complex character, Ruth during the "back stage" party...we are all so proud of our graduate and our star!

May 20, 2005
Now that the visitors are all on their way back to Pittsburgh, we got back to the Florida life.  After school, Coral spent some time over her friend's Mollie's house and then Mollie came with us to gymnastics and then to our house for a sleep over.  We rented some videos and the kids stayed up late to watch them.  Dan and Amy stayed up even later to watch their video for the evening..."Meet the Fockers".  Amy and Dan found this one not to be a good as the seemed to try too hard to be more unbelievable and cornier.  Amy gives it 3 1/2 "long winks".

May 21, 2005
Today we were hooked into going on a tour of the Ron Jon Resort at Cape Canaveral.  We started out very skeptical and ended up owners!  Yep, you heard (saw) that correctly, we are now proud owners of a timeshare 15 minutes from our house.  There is much more than just the timeshare that we became members is the 365-day access to the facilities that drew us in and made it worth the money we spent.  Now we just have to get everyone we know to buy into the property to get more money, so make sure to check out the website!  After the tour and signatures (didn't we just go through this with the sale and purchase of our new house?!?!), we ran some errands and got home to get the garage cleared out to finally fit the Jeep in like its intended purpose.  Later, it was time to watch the other rented feature..."Sideways".  We heard many good things, so we rented it.  The plot can be summed up in one word, w(h)ine.  Two men whine about their lives, while on a wine tasting trip and it was not as good as expected.  Amy gives this one 4 "long winks".

May 22, 2005
To celebrate our latest purchase, we spent the day at the Ron Jon Resort!  The kids had a blast and the parents we very happy to see the joy of the newest venture written all over the kids faces.  With a big slide, lazy river, kiddy pool, hot tub, and big pool, there was not a second of down time all day long and we didn't even use all the amenities...what a great investment (did we mention that if we get any referrals, we make money to use at the resort?).

May 23, 2005
After a fun-filled weekend and an upcoming holiday weekend, we were not ready to get back to the grind, but it was nice to have no extracurricular activities to fill our evening.  Amy did have some follow-up work completed on her root canal, but nothing out of the ordinary.

May 24, 2005
Jordan and Ian started the summer activity season off with water-day at daycare (no school in the summer).  Dan went straight home after work to get the grass cut...another summer activity.

May 25, 2005
While Dan was home washing the Jeep, he was quickly visited by the rest of the family.  Amy dropped off Coral and Jordan and then drove Ian to the hospital.  Not to worry, he just got a cut on his head that wouldn't stop bleeding, but everything was just fine�no stitches necessary.  The real good news was, they were back before morning (actually only took a couple hours) and Ian acted like a "big boy" the entire time in the emergency room.  Now Coral is the only one left in the family to make the very important, life-altering trip to everyone's favorite place�the ER!

May 26, 2005
Not much to report today�just finished up the car-washing activities with the completion of the Caravan that got delayed yesterday with the trip to the ER.

May 27, 2005
Ahhh, the first day of a 3-day weekend�Coral and Amy spent the day on a class field trip to Sea World.  Mid-way through the day, Coral and another classmate got sick and were sent to the infirmary, but once the Motrin kicked-in, they were back in the park watching shows.  Jordan and Ian were also on field trips of their own�Jordan was at P.D. Penguins learning to ice-skate for the first time and Ian was at the zoo talking to the animals.  They both had fun and no excitement ensued like at Sea World.

May 28, 2005
Coral was still feeling under-the-weather, so the plans to go to Ron Jon's for the day were postponed.  Instead, Jordan, Ian, Amy, and Dan spent the day by the pool.

May 29, 2005
The morning commenced with Coral feeling up to the task of accompanying Dan to see "Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith".  Wow, what a great ending to a bit of a disappointment in the pre-trilogy�it had all the emotion needed to end the story of the first 3 episodes and had the story-line that connected it with the last 3 episodes.  Now that Dan is done showing his sci-fi nerdy side and using his daughter to get into the show without looking like a complete geek, the rest of the day was used to finally get the entire Florida Rembert clan in the pool all at once.  After a quick cook out, Dan headed to an also quick poker tournament.  His heart was not in this one and the results showed by returning home in about 2 hours.

May 30, 2005
Happy Memorial Day!!!
We made it a point to not do anything on our last day of the 3-day weekend.  We did get some visitors from the neighborhood�Lauren's family of five joined our family of five to do some afternoon swimming and chit-chat.  Later after dinner, it was time to return to work/school mode.

May 31, 2005
Well, the big news in the world of the Florida Remberts is with the potty training of one Ian Rembert.  It seems that we have made some significant progress lately and he is close to wearing "big boy pants" full time.  He wore them all day at school and home instead of pull-ups and did real good.  We are hoping that June 2005 will be the month that will go down in history as the one were we no longer have to buy any diapers EVER AGAIN!!!
The Florida Remberts
Diary Archives
May 2005
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