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May 1, 2004
We first danced around the May-pole and then we gave it away to Salvation Army along with every other piece of furniture that used to be in the family room.  After they came and took our stuff, the new sectional couch came and we got to use it very quickly before we left.  "Where did they go after waiting 11-weeks for this couch...what could be so important?", you may ask.  Well, we had our LSSC company picnic and Dan was in charge of the horseshoe tournament.  This was fun, but
we were not able to have the bon-fire due to high winds.

May 2, 2004
We did some more laundry and even some swimming, but we mainly relaxed most of the day on the new couch, which every one LOVES...woo hoo!

May 3, 2004
After we got back to work, school, and daycare, Jordan had gymnastics and then a little surprise party with the family.  We had to throw it a day early because of T-ball on her birthday.

May 4, 2004
Happy 4th Birthday to Jordan!!!
Dan and Coral had T-ball and also put down the top on the Jeep for the first time this year.  After the game, they joined the celebration of Jordan's b-day where the kids were playing with all the new toys and stuff and eating cake, but no cake was left for Dan.

May 5, 2004
Happy Cinco de Mayo!!!
After Coral was done with Brownies, we rushed to get everyone in the van and back down to Melbourne.  "Why?", you may ask...because after waiting 11-weeks for our couch, we were promised to "be taken care of" by the store.  When we got all the way down there, we found out that we had a $50 store credit, which isn't too bad, but not what we expected.  After we rolled our eyes for a bit, we didn't look a gift-horse in the mouth and we put our $50 credit toward our first coffee table in 7-years (toddlers & coffee tables don't mix for safety reasons).  Now we have to wait for that to get delivered...geeze.

May 6, 2004
A Big Happy Birthday shout out goes to Tim, the other Floridian!
Make sure to check out the newest Story about Rich posted yesterday.  After work, school, and daycare, Coral, Dan and the rest of the Dolphins had their last game of the season, so as a good coach is supposed to do, it was time for a trip to Dairy Queen!  Dan was a little apprehensive about coaching this year, but it was a lot of fun and he will be coaching Jordan next year as Coral moves up a level.  As everyone knows about us, Dan and Amy are big "Friends" fans, so this was a big night.  The series finale aired and Dan and Amy were front and center reliving the last decade of great TV.  The show has been on almost exactly as long as they have been married and that is part of the reason they feel so sentimental.

May 7, 2004
Coral's class had their big performance this morning.  The show was called "Rainbow Connection" and Coral was a clown.  Dan and Amy went to watch it and Amy even stayed for lunch afterwards.  It was a very good production, as always, and Coral even got to show off her gymnastics' skills.
Speaking of that, Coral had gymnastics later.

May 8, 2004
Today was Jordan's turn in the spot-light, which she seems to love.  It was her birthday party at McDonalds.  Some kids from school and other friends came and a good time was had by all...she even got a gift from Ronald, who had a prior engagement and couldn't make it.  After the party, Dan, Coral and Jordan (in the Jeep with the top down) did some shopping for Mother's Day and to use some of Dan's gift certificates from Christmas.  He got an MP3 player and loves it...tune in tomorrow to find out if Amy loved her gifts
(we certainly hope so).

May 9, 2004
Happy Mother's Day!!!
Well, it turns out Amy did love her gifts as she opened them up right after she go up from her slumber.  She also loved her special breakfast, the afternoon swim, and dinner in peace from Carrabba's as we watched the season finale of Survivor.

May 10, 2004
Back to the grind for all and back to gymnastics for Jordan...end of story.

May 11, 2004
Congratulations to the Rusts!!!...Ethan Richard Rust was born at 6:39 AM!  We all rode into work, school and daycare again and that was the only news down here.

May 12, 2004
Happy 27th Birthday to Marie!!! (Isn't about time for you to get married...never mind, see you in 24 days.)  Coral had her last Brownie's meeting for the summer time.

May 13, 2004
Dan has spent 4 years in is the anniversary of the first day in Florida!
Busy night evening of finishings.  First, was the closing ceremony for T-ball.  All the girls got trophies and the coaches got plaques for all the hard work (it was fun, don't let him fool you).  Then, Jordan had graduation night at her preschool.  The older kids actually graduated, but they had a big production with singing and dancing and Jordan had found her calling.  She knew all the moves and most of the words to the songs.  Lastly, it was the final night of Survivor All-Stars with the "America's Tribal Council".

May 14, 2004
After school, Coral had gymnastics.  That must be it?

May 15, 2004
Dan has been working at KSC for 4 years!
To celebrate, we all did some swimming and some laundry.  Later, Doug, Kristie and Trenton came over to join us in the pool and for dinner.  The kids got McDonalds and the adults got Carrabba's,
so everyone was very happy.

May 16, 2004
More swimming today...must be that time-a-year!  Later, Dan got the inside of the cars cleaned out and Amy did some shopping and got shoes for the girls for the wedding...we are getting ready for the trip back to Pittsburgh for the 4th time (3rd for the kids) in less than 6 months.

May 17, 2004
Jordan wasn't feeling so good this morning and had a re-visit of her breakfast just outside daycare in the van-car, but once this episode was complete, she felt much better.  To be on the safe-side, Amy took the morning shift and Dan the afternoon shift to stay with her while she was home.  During the morning problems in the Caravan, Ian had a "trial-by-fire" introduction to his new classroom at preschool.  Today he was moved from the toddler's room to the 2-year old's room, which is in with Jordan's class, and had a good day in his new environment despite his quick inauguration.  This must mean that "daycare"
can be substituted with "preschool".

May 18, 2004
Coral got a visit from the toothfairy overnight and found some big bucks under her pillow in the morning...that's 8 teeth given to the toothfairy from Coral.  Jordan had to go to the doctor's today, not for her being sick, but just for her 4-year check-up...she is over her sickness.  Everything was fine and no shots were administered.  She is now 28 pounds (8th percentile) and 39 inches (40th percentile)...tall and skinny, just like mom.  After that trip, it was water day and Jordan joined in the fun with Ian a little late, but had fun.

May 19, 2004
After school, Coral went on her last "Brownie function" for this year.  They all took a trip to the mall to Build-A-Bear.  This is a place where you can create your own teddy-bear or other assorted animals of your choice.  Coral made her own little bunny.

May 20, 2004
Not much to write about today except the Caravan went in for a check-up and was cleared for the upcoming trip next week...other than that, nothing big.

May 21, 2004
Today was Dan's last day of work for a while...he will be in Albuquerque next week for the NASA Environmental Conference and then back to Pittsburgh the following week.  Both Jordan and Coral had gymnastics at the same luck would have it, they had openings for them to permanently move to the same times...woo hoo!

May 22, 2004
We all had a busy day to try to get ready for the trips over the next 2 weeks...Amy had an eye doctor appointment, picked up her dress for Marie's wedding and did some shopping at BJs and Publix while Dan was busy with laundry.  Later, they both washed the cars.  The evening was set-aside to relax a little with some swimming and grilling out.

May 23, 2004
Because we all got our work done yesterday, we were able to swim today...woo hoo!  Dan and Ian also got their hair cut in the evening to look their best for the upcoming trips.

May 24, 2004
While Amy and the kids were on their own to get to school and work, Dan was jet-setting off to Alburquerque, NM.  The first day's activities included: lunch at "old town", hanging in the dry heat by the pool, the conference reception, some great luck at a local Indian Reservation Casino, dinner, and lastly a few drinks in the hot's tough to travel.

May 25, 2004
The first official day of the conference was filled with "exciting" presentations all day, but the fun was definitely at night.  We all walked to this cool Brazilian restaurant where the wait-staff brings out all kinds of meats on a one point Dan lived a life-long dream by having a waitress on either side of him serving him meat.

May 26, 2004
While Dan and John (Shaffer) were at the conference, Amy and Krista with the kids met at McDonalds for dinner to complain about how Dan and John left them behind.  Meanwhile, after a huge BBQ dinner, the group attempted to ride a popular tourist tram up the side of the mountain, but high winds cancelled these plans.  As an alternative, some of the group went to another Casino and lost some money.

May 27, 2004
While Dan celebrated his full last day on travel by doing much of the same drinking and eating all night long, the rest of the family had some excitement as well.  Amy and the rest of the RehabWorks stuff had their open house to show-off their new digs.  Coral enjoyed her big end-of-the-year-field-trip to Universal Studios with her class.  Her favorite ride was Men in Black.

May 28, 2004
Now that the conference was done and all the drinking and eating was fulfilled, it was time for Dan to come home to the family.

May 29, 2004
Dan couldn't get too comfortable because it was time to get ready for the next leg of travel.  We packed up the car and got Zoey to the doggie-condo.  We even fit in some swimming.

May 30, 2004
Cross-Country Travel Day Part I:  We are getting pretty good at this stuff with our 3rd time in 5-months and made great time...left at 5:10 am and arrived at 8:50 pm in Evans City.

May 31, 2004
Merry Memorial Day!
We stayed over at the Stroups' and were planning on a Memorial Day picnic, but the weather did not cooperate, so we stayed in a relaxed most of the day.  Later, we stopped in at the Remberts on their party and did a quick round of hellos there and then checked in at the Hawthorn Suites.
The Florida Remberts
Diary Archives
May 2004
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