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January 1, 2006
Happy New Year!!!
After we finally woke up from a hard night of fun, we ate and got ready for the Steelers� game�even though they had a little harder time than expected, they beat the Lions and are playoff bound.  After the game, we had a big spaghetti meal and called it a day.

January 2, 2006
The Florida Rembert packed up and went to the beach for the day�ahhh, the opulence of living in Florida in the winter.

January 3, 2006
The big happening of the day was Dan�s trip to Miami for the Orange Bowl!  He, Erik, and Frank left KSC at lunch-time and got to the Miami area with plenty of time to get some serious tail-gating accomplished before kick-off at 8:30.  The crowd was mostly Penn Staters, but that could have been because we were on the Penn State side of the stadium.  Boy, did we get our monies worth for the game of the year, but the good-guys came through with a 26-23 win in the 3rd overtime period and captured PSU�s 4th Orange Bowl victory!

January 4, 2006
Instead of sticking around the Miami area after the marathon game that lasted until about 2 AM, we decided to hit the road and got back at about 5:30 AM.  Dan took a quick power nap at the Nason Inn and went into work for half the day to save some vacation time.  Coral and Jordan had their first day back to school and are excited to start practicing this year�s performance.

January 5, 2006
After the first full work and school day for the year for the Rembert family, we had a farewell feast for Amy�s family fleeing Florida.

January 6, 2006
Happy Anniversary to the Original Remberts�Judy and Gene!!!
Back to the normal Friday schedule of gymnastics and losing at poker.

January 7, 2006
It was a sad day at the Rembert house today, we spent the day clearing all the Christmas decorations and put them back in the boxes for next year.  The only good thing was it was much faster to take them down than put them up.

January 8, 2006
Today it was all about the Steeler game.  After a slow start and some mild controversy with the QB hit on Carson Palmer, the Steelers showed the Bengals who are the champs of the AFC North�31-17.  Before the game, Amy took the kids to spend some of their Christmas money at the mall and then she used some of our money to get food for the week while Dan started to gather the 2005 tax information to get more money from Uncle Sam.

January 9, 2006
Back to the grind with all the normal traffic patterns now that EVERYBODY is back at work.

January 10, 2006
Dan and Amy switched places in the children pick-up/drop-off duties today so that Amy could take Coral to the dentist and get a good report.  Caramel Electra spent the day at Gardendale and visited with Coral and Jordan�s classes.

January 11, 2006
Not much to report on this hump day...just one day closer to the Divisional game against Indy.

January 12, 2006
After work and school, Coral went with the Taffers to dinner at the local Picadilly for the kids' dinner special for a dollar...yes, we are big spenders!  Dan took another shot at the poker winner�s circle and hit the inner circle once again, but no bull's eye.

January 13, 2006
Rest in Peace, Rich...
Caramel Electra spent the day at Destiny so Ian could show her to all his friends.  Later, we did our normal Friday thing of going to gymnastics and relaxing in the evening, but with the extra added incentive of the extended weekend.  Coral had a sleep-over party at Marisa�s house.

January 14, 2006
When Coral returned home, Marisa and her brother, Curtis, joined us while Genese ran some errands.  Dan took the morning and afternoon to get some work completed around the house�fix the garage door and ordered some carpet to stop the couch from slipping on the tile.  At night, we had our contract�s annual awards banquet (Holiday party) after the holidays.  They had fun for everyone�food, dancing (for Amy), and fake-money gambling (for Dan).

January 15, 2006
The NFL tried their best to take the game away from the Steelers and give it to the Colts, but they couldn�t�the Steelers beat the highly-favored Colts, 21-18 in one of the best playoff games in the history and became the first 6-seed to advance to the Conference Championship in Denver.  Oh yeah, Amy, Coral, and Jordan got back to the normal Sunday thing�church, CCD, and Publix.

January 16, 2006
Happy MLK Day!!!
Dan and Doug started up the tradition of going on the gambling boat, but didn�t fair to well�at least the tradition is back.  Amy took the kids to the Brevard Zoo with the Shaffers and had a fun, but hectic time�3 parents vs 7 kids will do that to people.

January 17, 2006
We all got back to business today.  The planned New Horizons launch of the Atlas V rocket out of Cape Canaveral to Pluto was scrubbed until tomorrow.

January 18, 2006
After school and work (and another scrub for New Horizons), Amy, Coral, Jordan, and Ian met Genese, Marisa, and Curtis for GEMS night at Beef O�Brady�s.

January 19, 2006
Well New Horizons finally launched from the Cape at 2 PM�it's always cool to see our friend Chuch on TV!  Next update:  9-years.  Dan booked his next business trip in April.

January 20, 2006
We got back to the normal Friday schedule of Dan taking the kids to the early gymnastics and Amy taking them in the late round because Dan returned to Friday poker and got a solid win out of it.

January 21, 2006
Coral spent the day at Merritt Island High School for a girls in engineering workshop with Marisa�they had fun making different things from food to personal alarms for their rooms.  Dan, Amy, Jordan, and Ian spent the day at the Ron Jon Resort with the Shafffers and Shannah.  It was a perfect day in the sun to take advantage of the pools and lounge chairs.

January 22, 2006
Championship Sunday!  Dan took Coral and Jordan to church and CCD and then traveled to Publix to get the pre-game meal (and the rest of the weekly food).  After we got back, Amy took Ian to �Best-Friend-Jordan�s� birthday party (as apposed to �My-Sister-Jordan�) and Dan caught up with all the pre-game hype and then it was time for the games to begin at 3 PM.  The Steelers dominated the Broncos in the AFC Championship, 34-17 and sent the Bus back to Detroit to take on the Seahawks!  I got a feeling, Pittsburgh's going to the Super Bowl!!!

January 23, 2006
Jordan woke up sick with a fever, so Amy stayed home most of the day with her.  Dan came home early after he picked up Ian and Coral so Amy could go into work for a few hours in the evening.

January 24, 2006
It was Dan's turn today, so he stayed with Jordan who perked up in the afternoon.  This gave Dan a chance to get caught up in all the day-time Super Bowl hype.

January 25, 2006
Jordan returned to school today, so both Amy and Dan returned to work.

January 26, 2006
The Super Bowl talk has started to heat-up, unfortunately the game is not until next weekend.

January 27, 2006
Ian had a field-trip today to Jungle Adventure�he never stopped talking about the alligators the entire evening.  After our typical trip to gymnastics, the evening went off without a hitch.

January 28, 2006
After a quick morning shopping-tour, Amy took Ian and Jordan to Alyssa�s birthday party at Rotary Park.  The evening was spent watching large amounts of DVDs.

January 29, 2006
Dan must have caught was ailed Jordan because he spent the entire day in bed.  Amy took Jordan and Coral to CCD.  Ian went with her and completed this week�s food shopping.  Later, they went to see �Hoodwinked�.  While the kids enjoyed this play on Little Red Riding Hood, Amy did not enjoy it as much giving it 4 �long winks�.

January 30, 2006
Everyone got back to the grind.

January 31, 2006
It appears that Dan�s hard work on January 14th with the garage was all for not�one of the gears in the opener wore down again and the garage door is again out-of-order.
The Florida Remberts
Diary Archives
January 2006
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