At Swim-Two-Birds undoubtedly possesses all the characteristics of the World Wide Web. It suited perfectly to hypertext  which is why it could be put on the web without any major alterations. The novel was already cut into "segments" so to speak, consequently the principal difficulty when working on the hypertext version was to decide where each segments would go. Far from diminishing the story, I think that the hyperlinkages transformed the reading experience of the novel as they laid the emphasis on the great number of intertwingling and interfering accidents that occur through the narrative. Hypertext creates a whole new perspective for looking at stories because it abolishes borders and chronology and it banishes structrure. But I think that an abundance of texts and links risks too often to result in a chaotic mass of information, and thus cause the reader to get completely lost. And so I disagree with Landow when he says that readers always "fabricate their own structures, sequences, and meanings, they have little trouble reading a story or reading for a story", first because my reading experience of hypertext fictions contradicts this statement, and secondly because I think that it is impossible to do without some kind of structure.









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