The Experiment

Welcome home!

Idiot of the week
Artwork and Stuff
Pagan Stuff
Whore me on MySpace!!
Family Photos!
Pimp Folk
Meet the Band!
Where IS that guest book,
Oh dear, it's run off again
Maybe I should just leave my email
Or just give you access to both!
Guestbook options
All right,so I suppose the first thing that you should know is that I don't appreciate ignorance, although I am quite ignorant myself. Everything on here is subject to change, so don't get comfortable.

Somewhere in here, I should put my interests, but to tell the truth, what I'm looking at right now is to build this website, while at the same time building my skills in a lot of things. I've recently had a huge change in my life, one that has been significant enought to make me care. So here it is, I'm trying to learn something new, and for once in my life, demand to be taken seriously. It's all about baby steps.

stay tuned there is more to come.

Myspace CodesMyspace CodesMyspace LayoutsMyspace Codes
of the week!

There will be new stuff on the Idiot of the week page, every Sunday, or Monday, it all depends on how I feel when I wake up that day. Moving along here, if you check out the side bar there, you'll see that I have a bunch of neat-o links for you to click on. Yeah, I know,there will be content later, but for now, it's practice practice practice. You aren't going to find a lot of political news here, because I don't do politics. If you need an authority on cartoons or music, that's me. And who knows, you may find that here. 1

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