The Pagan Banana

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First of all, if you are here trolling around looking to hurt people or spread hate, you need to leave.

Second, if you came here looking for detailed information, I'm sorry, this is pretty well for the general public, and I've already done my searching, so you keep lookin, and come back when you have it sorted out, so that this site is more useful for you. Here you go!

Mind-N-Magick Search

Since it is for the public, let's at least let them eat cake. Don't worry, my secretive breathren, it's just a tease.

Let's start with a little definition. Paganism is form of worship, usually charaterized, but not limited to polytheism, nature worship and animism. Some forms of Paganism include Wicca, Hindu, and just about any other religion that has more than one god.

Considering that Christianity has tried to stomp out any form of religion that doesn't include it's beliefs, most of what we know today is Neo-Paganism, a mishmash of the old beliefs with a few modern twists for the change of times. There are those that disagree, stating that Paganism and Wicca are as old as the hills, (Paganism, sure. Wicca? Let's chat.) and it has not changed one single bit since the dawn of time. This is a bit of a misnomer, because, after all, we have adapted to modern times. (after all, we get in our cars and drive to Walmart to buy candles, not slaughter a pig and boil fat.) There are thousands of variations, and while every Pagan is different, the majority of us take each other very seriously and care what goes on in the Pagan world. For a better explaination, I turn the floor over to Derrek Younger, a minister of gigantic proportions, in my opinion.

One thing that I have never disagreed with a Pagan on is that everything, every object, has some sort of symbolism, believed especially by, but not exclusive to those that practice magic or use props. Each stone and flower means something. Many Pagans also practice divination, whether with tarot or casting runes.
If you've reached this point, then this portion of the Poptart is for you.

Although you can learn nearly anything on the Internet, what it cannot teach you is manners and diplomacy, and you should take special care with your approach should you be willing to discuss Paganism with another person. There are rules when talking with other Pagans or witches, and should be adhered to for good reason. And that reason is? Not everyone cares about their Karma. But we do, so when dealing with other people, or perhaps even your own daily trauma, Here are some rules to live by:

Know what you're talking about. There are tons of people out there that are simply faking along to get by, and trying to fool you. There are also a TON of contradictions that are worth entertaining for the sake of learning, because it's up to YOU to decide a preference. DO the research, learn where you stand on key issues. Remember that if something doesn't ring true, chances are, it isn't, and if you begin feeling like you are being backed into a corner because you don't buy it, get out. Faith is faith, Self, God or Goddess.
Don't allow a disagreement to shake you. You are a human being entitled to your opinion and beliefs. Just because someone says that the focus should be placed on the Earth and not the Moon, doesn't mean you have to go changing your mind. It's the same goddess, after all, and anything else, is again, merely a matter of opinion. Don't get angry, it does no one any good.
Practice, practice, practice! The closer you become to yourself, the closer you become to Divinity, the closer you become to the Kosmos. Meditation will lead you places that you'd never thought about going before, and that will lend you strength. Learn your correspondances, and cast the appropriate spells. If you don't practice magick, get close to yourself, and get close to nature.
Beware of people that think magick is a cure-all, end-all, circumstance defying thing. IT ISN'T. It's not going to stop your boss from being a jerk, it isn't going to fix your car that is broken down. Under the right circumstances, and with proper use, it might just get you that new position in the office that you applied for, (the one in a DIFFERENT DEPARTMENT) and then maybe you can afford that new car. Do not help people that think of the Craft this way, it can and will get you hurt, and backfires often.

Good Luck!

If you wish to speak with others of our kind, and realize personal truths, please visit my friends at One Night Spirit. This is a forum created by good friends of mine, and I think that if you enjoy what you see here, you will enjoy this as well. And I warn you. The same rules that are posted at the TOP OF THE PAGE apply to this forum as well. Please behave, my children, or I will NEVER recommend anything for you to look at again.

Please know that I am always open for a discussion of differences. There isn't a right or wrong, because faith is personal. If you want a tarot reading, or some more help, you can email me at [email protected].

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