This Atom Man
A light bulb blinks and dark flits far away,
A brief bright flash and Nothing is no more.
Cold Time unravels into a seething
Knot, a pure Chaos of an idea.
As a telescope, it compounds on sight
More sight, farther, farther through Infinite,
From the small lighted lens, we, wild, live.
This block that is a miniature to
Itself, this mighty atom Man.

This heart of the sea that touches all.
This child, begrimed by touches of Unknown
Head nodded o'er this bright oasis Earth,
A bauble of his won working, want, thought.
This hall of mirrors that tell a tale
By sole reflection, Self he sees at Time's end.
This riddle for whom Death is solution,
This end unto the whole world's perception
This mighty atom, this stranger to self,
This maker and betrayer of worlds, this Man.



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