John's Game Quotes



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  Mage: the Ascension
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  Middle Earth Roleplaying


  Flames and Mirrors

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My Shelob-senses are tingling.

    John: GM
    Brendan: Slag, the troll
    Chris: Gmork, the troll (Frankenstein)
    Jen: "Bobzhnak" the Uruk-hai
    Amy: Villanelle, Gondorian "mage"


    On using appearance bonuses with the current party, or ewww:
    Amy: That'd be even worse. Troll leans across the table, "Hey baby…"
    Jen: And they used to be converted Ents, so they could have some serious wood.

    On Chris' troll character, Gmork:
    Amy: But you know you're a little more likeable than smart.
    Chris: (sadly) But nobody knows but me.

    On the downfalls of trolldom:
    Chris: Oh, my God, I'm a retard.

    On the downfalls of lack of smarts:
    Brendan: (to Amy, on Chris' character) He could be your pet troll.

    On skills, some more useful than others:
    Chris/Gmork: I really don't think I'll ever use ride.

    On point and match:
    Amy: Hey, the trolls in The Hobbit had a campfire. They could deal with fire.
    Chris: Yeah, but they were smart enough to talk.

    On Uruk-hai, or questions maybe not worth asking:
    Amy: By the way, I'm the only woman…
    Jen: No, you're not!
    Amy: Bob's a female?
    Jen: Yeah!

    On special arrows:
    Brendan: It's an arrow. But it's big.

    On Boromir's gift from Lady Galadriel, a golden belt:
    Brendan: Is it like a really huge belt buckle? Like, "what you got?" "A box." "A phial." "Yeah, but you didn't get this belt buckle."

    On Mordor insignias, why to wear:
    John: Because they make you look more dangerous than you might otherwise, and definitely more so than you really are.

    On good question:
    Jen: Why is the troll sitting in my lap, I wonder.

    On trolls and talking animals:
    Brendan: It'd be like eating Donkey from Shrek. "Ah, thank you for saving me." Chomp!

    On odd things to find in the ruins of land-locked Angmar:
    John: There's a ten foot boat.
    Brendan/Slag: You want boat in wagon?

    On subtle hints:
    John: You are going to Laketown. Laketown. Maybe the boat will do some good there.

    On infravision:
    Jen: My Shelob-senses are tingling.

    On nice use of rhyme:
    Chris: Cock the rock, ready to rock.

    On Jen's hide roll:
    Brendan: Ah, she's Han Solo on Endor.

    On Beornings:
    Brendan: Damn it, it's the Johnsons again. The ones that turn into bears. Way to ruin a party.

    On to a troll, is there any other kind?
    Gmork: I like the squishy kind.

    On they ain't that dumb:
    Brendan: Are [the people we're ambushing] running?
    John: No shit, they're running.

    On what might happen if the wagon was stolen:
    Brendan: "Hey, there's a hot chick under the boat. Sweet!"
    John: "We found the treasure."

    On the boat, uses:
    Amy: What if it's a cursed boat of sinking?
    Jen: We could give it to Smaug, that would really piss him off.
    Amy: No, give it to Bard.
    Brendan: Yeah, you coud go, "Hey, Bard, here's a boat." And he'd be like, "Hey, hot chick in a boat…" [mimes sinking] thunk!
    John: That would be cool.

    On how to catch up distance while running:
    Jen: Stop stepping on gophers.

    On fumbles:
    John: (to Slag) You bite off and swallow your own tongue.

    On biting his tongue:
    Brendan/Slag: As long as I don't acquire a strange taste for my own tongue. "Hmm… I really want some troll tongue." [to Chris/Gmork] When you die, I'm taking your tongue.

Copyrights & Credits

    Poetry © Amy Edwards, 2005.
    Designed by
    Images © Index Stock
    Textures © The Blooming Effect and Hybrid Genesis
    Brushes © and and

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