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Candy's Prelude

    Dawn breaks over the mountains to the east, spreading fingers of gold and rose-pink into the still black sky.

    Candy, wearing the porcelain mask of Amaranth, slips into her quarters through the fire escape, drawing off her bloody surgical gloves as she does so and depositing them in a trash bin. Fastidiously (and somewhat strangely), she adjusts the loose strands of her hair before removing the mask and putting it back in its drawer.

    Her bed looks very inviting, but there are still things to be done.

    On the bed lays an envelope. From the cream colored stationary and the elegant hand it seemed to be from the Princess, which was unlikely but not impossible.

    Beyond that her room lay untouched, and she could hear the faint murmurs of a radio playing somewhere nearby.

    A flicker of irritation runs through her. She doesn't like the idea of someone wandering through her rooms without her permission. Still, the envelope is interesting.

    Candy puts on a new pair of gloves from a box of them on her bureau and picks up a letter opener from her bedside table. Sitting on the bed, she carefully slices open the envelope, well away from her face, and empties its contents onto the bed.

    From the envelope, two things spill out: another folded piece of paper and a trump (the card version not the electronic version). The trump is of a woman she doesn't recognize, and from what she can see of the folded piece of paper the writing looks to be her grandmother's. The Silver Lady.

    Candy first picks up the Trump and examines it. She hasn't seen technology this antique in a long time.

    The woman on the card is a stunning red head, dressed archaically in what could only be called a gown of blue satin. I'ts like right out of the museum paintings, those few that survived all those long years ago.

    Then she tucks the card into a pocket of her jacket, unfolds the letter and reads it.

    The woman in this trump is Lady Alyson of Albion. She is a friend of your mother's. There is to be a party, which she or one of her line will be hosting in Albion to celebrate 1000 years since Theo and her friends defeating of King Ceres of Ambre. Your mother is off with your father, and has asked me to give you this trump, so that you may contact her about the party, should you wish to go to it in your mother's stead. The choice is yours, but as you haven't gotten out of Embra, it would be a good learning experience to see the other Reflections -- even if its only Albion. And who knows, you might find a man worthy of you.
    Silver Lady

    Candy chuckles at the last part. It always seemed like her mother and grandmother were obsessed with getting her a boyfriend. Candy had never seen the need for rushing into that sort of thing.

    She wasn't really a very social person, either, mostly because of years spent being the shadowy assassin... and worse. On the other hand, she had heard the story of Ceres' defeat and of the other Reflections from her mother many times, and it intrigued her to think there could be places so different from Unreal City, and even from Embra itself.

    Candy moves to the replicator, asks it to make her a Shivvis on the rocks, and takes her drink back to the bed. After a sip of the smoky liquor and a brief consideration of the way the conversation should go, she picks up Lady Alyson's trump and concentrates.

    The trump cools, then Candy feels contact,~Yes, Who please? This is Alyson.~

    ~Lady Alyson, I am Candy of Embra, the daughter of Theodora, whom you knew, and her husband Alexander. My parents are unable to attend your party but offer me in their stead. Is this acceptable?~

    Candy sees a pretty though older red-headed woman clad in a dress not much different that that in the trump, though a different color. She is sitting in a room that has a large table which she is working on. There is a heavy sense of chaos in the room she is in.

    ~Of course it is. Though I am sorry that your mother couldn't come. We have been working out the details of the party and as of yet haven't finalized everything. But if you wish to bring something food wise and entertainment from Embra to share that would be nice,~ Lady Alsyon replies.

    Candy smiles wryly at that. ~I'm sure I'll think of something,~ she replies. ~Do I trump you again on the day of the party or is there a different way I should travel?~

    ~You can trump me if you wish on the day of the party, or if I remember correctly the Power of Embra is called the Glimmering. You can use it for travel, I believe. Either way can work,~ Alyson replies, setting the brush down. An unfinished trump lies visible on the desk she is sititng at.

    ~Thank you for that information,~ Candy says, considering. She had known the Glimmering would let you travel to anywhere in Embra, but she had been unaware of its use in leaving the Reflection, especially to go somewhere she had never been. That could be very useful... ~I suppose I will see you then, Lady Alyson.~

    Lady Alyson smiles, ~Let me know if you need anything special for your shared entertainment or food -- for presentation.~

    "What sort of entertainment do you prefer, Lady?" Candy asks. "We have a large Fey population in Embra and their music is my favorite form of entertainment here - however, something more specific to Embra might be the shadowdancers..."

    "Shadowdancers? Now that sounds interesting and yes, something more of Embra would be nice. Though Fey music is quite lovely, we don't have much of that in Albion, though some. They keep to themselves most of the time," Lady Alyson replies.

    "That's true here as well, but my lineage is somewhat unusual," says Candy, smiling. "Shadowdancers it is then, and... hmm... what are your other guests bringing for food - I don't want us all to bring desserts."

    The last comment earned a laugh from Alyson,"I don't think you will have a problem with that. All I can suggest is something easy to move and different. Merikara said she was thinking of a date dish which would be dessert -- though it might just be considered fruit. Maybe an appetizer of some kind."

    "All right," Candy says, nodding deeply. "I'm sure I'll come up with something. I'll see you soon, Lady Alyson."

    Lady Alyson smiles, "Before you go Candy, do you need a trump of Albion?"

    "I'm not certain," she replies. "I haven't decided which method I'll use to travel... but I would very much like to have one, if you are offering."

    Lady Alyson nods and picks up a trump on her drawing desk and hands it to Candy, "Here you go. Does your Reflection have trumps? Theo never gave me any of her; I did one of her."

    "Trumps are outdated technology here, but they do work," Candy smiles. "We use something called a T-padd - it holds quite a few trump images within one small device - if you have the skill, you can draw in pictures... Here, I'll show you..." She takes her T-padd from inside her jacket, calls up the image of her mother, and shows it to Alyson.

    Alyson looks as carefully as she can through the trump image at the T-padd, "Very interesting, please if I may, can I see it when you come?"

    "Certainly," Candy flashes one of her most famous smiles. "I'd let you have one now except I might need it..."

    "Thank you for the ofter, alas, higher technology doesn't work in Albion beyond the aura of those like you who come from such a Reflection and are able to carry its power with you. As your mother Theo did, for her guns worked where they shouldn't have, much to many individual surprises," Alyson replies warmly.

    She pauses a moment as if listening to something, then adds,"The party will be in two weeks. I will trump you with the exact time and the time differential between our Reflections. If you need anything don't hesitate to trump me."

    "Thank you." Candy bows from the waist, seemingly perfectly comfortable with the archaic gesture.

    Alyson changes subjects, "So how is your mother? Do you have any other siblings?"

    "Mother's fine... She and Dad are off again - they like going out and exploring things together... She's still pretty wild. He's more of a mitigating influence, but..." Candy laughs. "Even that doesn't do much. I think I'm more like my grandparents. Except I'm an only child... Do you have any children, Lady Alyson?"

    "Yes I do. Besides Sharon, several others. My daughter Sharon has five children. Once of which, Mia, is currently now Queen of Albion," Lady Alyson replies.

    "Wow," Candy's eyebrows tilt a little at "five children." "How does your succession work, if you don't mind the question?"

    "Its a matriarchial monarchy. Each queen picks among her daughters the best one to rule," Lady Alyson replies with a warm smile.

    "And then steps down? Why?"

    Lady Alyson replies, "After ruling for 500 years it was time. I did so and Sharon did as well, then she got pregnant again and has her hands full with twins. So the throne was passed to Mia."

    "Ah, I can understand five hundred years being a long time for such responsibility, but cannot something be said for experience?" says Candy.

    "I agree and Mia has both myself and her mother to ask, should she need advice on any matter," Lady Alyson responds.

    Candy noda. "That should work out well, then. Here - it's kind of a matter of power - the most powerful - usually the oldest - people in Embra form the power circle and make most of the decisions. Mom could probably have joined after she made the Glimmering, but she never wanted to."

    "That is not that surprising to hear about your mother. Do your grandfather and grandmother hold quite a bit of power then in Embra? I know so very little about your Reflection," Lady Alyson asks, clearly curious.

    "Mom's parents do, yes. My other grandfather, the Scarecrow, has been gone this century or more... The Silver Lady and the Templar are part of the ruling council."

    Lady Alyson thinks a moment remembering,"I don't remember Theo talking about them." She looks a moment off side of the trump then nods and looks back,"I need to go. Please don't hesitate to trump me if you need anything, Candy. And I am looking forward to meeting you at the party."

    "Thank you, Lady Alyson," said Candy. She let the Trump contact fade and prepared for bed.

    First a little sleep, and then she'd arrange food and entertainment to bring to the party.

    Sleep was hard to come by, but finally it did and she dreamt. Cold wisps of strange air laden with hints of decay, and an almost unheard echo of something moving in the fog and darkness around her. Then shot through her dream the dancing motes of the Glimmering and she was abruptly awakened.

    The dream troubled her. She rose and replicated a cup of coffee, considering the images she had seen. The Glimmering had protected her, that seemed certain, but from what? She did not usually have prophetic dreams, and had not had a nightmare in a long time, so this was something special...

    Candy decided to ask her grandmother about it. She dressed carefully, fixed her hair and makeup and made her way toward the house the Templar and the Silver Lady shared.

    That house, a small palace really, lay in the center of the Great Park, which the Fey that lived in Embra made their home. It was here, under respectful Fey eyes, that Candy was lead into a private room and asked to wait but a brief moment.

    It was literally moments later when the Silver Lady walked in, dressed as always in a gown of silver lace that didn't hide much yet seemed to. She started to say with warm and love, "Candy -- my guards say you have come but not why. What has touched you?", but by the end her voice had changed to hold concern.

    Candy smiled. She had never quite gotten used to how easy it was for the Silver Lady to read her. "I had a nightmare... not the usual kind. It troubles me."

    Quietly she recounted the dream, in its entirety, to her grandmother.

    She had gestured Candy over to a comfortable sitting area, where they could sit as they talked. A fey servant brought a delicate cup of tea for them both then quietly withdrew.

    The Silver Lady listened and then thought for a long moment before replying, "You went somewhere and touched something. I would almost say the Labyrinth, but it is long gone from Embra. So where did you dream walk to?" She thought a moment more then asked, "You had spoken with Lady Alyson of Albion, I wonder if something followed her to you. Are you willing to try something risky?"

    "The place was like a crypt in feel... I do not think there is anything like it here on Embra." Candy leaned back, ran a hand through her luxurious black hair. "Yes, Lady, I will take a risk if you think it useful."

    "Not anymore on Embra," the Lady replied then she nodded at Candy's acceptance.

    "Lean back and close your eyes. Bring up in your mind, what you remember of that place before the Glimmering broke the link and brought you back. Remember. And I will see if I can find where that place is," the Lady added as she stood and walked over to where Candy sat and settled down next to her.

    Candy leaned her head back against the chair, her eyes closing. She brought to mind the images that had haunted her sleep, natural memory and practiced observation creating a very clear and accurate mental image.

    As the image snapped into crystal clear focus, Candy felt an almost unpleasant wrenching ... all of it on a psychic level. It was enough to send shivers up her body, and she sensed more now, old ... no, Ancient ... Forgotten. A Great Hall lost in the depths of Time and Beyond. Something here stirred and began to turn its attention towards her. Then she was brought back almost rudely by a delicate kiss on her forehead. And Candy couldn smell the faint rose scent that was the Lady's.

    "Candy ...are you well?" the Lady murmured as she pulled back from Candy.

    "Well?" Candy took a breath and then smiled. "I'm fine. But something perceived me... Something ancient. Were you able to sense anything?"

    "Yes, I know where you went but not why. The Fey know it as the Lost Hall. Something there sought you out in your dreams. I will need to think upon this. Until then if you feel the need, keep a night candle or light where you sleep. I sensed no malice though," the Lady replied gently stroking an errant hair back into place.

    "I'd rather know what it is... and perhaps the best way to do that is to dream of it again," Candy said. "What can you tell me of this... Lost Hall?"

    "I know little of the Hall, but there is one that I know who knows far more. I will summon him. As for dreaming of it again, I would only ask that you have someone with you if you should do so. I would not wish you drawn there with no way back," the Lady replies, concerned at the end.

    Candy said, "Of course," and simply waited for the one who knew more of the Hall to arrive.

    It was a short time later when from the shadows a man stepped ... a fey stepped. He bowed to the Lady and says, "You summoned me, Silver Queen."

    The Lady replied as she stood facing him, "I have need of your knowledge Jazor. Tell us what you can of the Lost Hall."

    He cocked an eyebrow up at that, "It is the Lost Hall, there things that were lost, whether deliberately or not, have found their way. Items of Powers, Knowledge, even Forgotten Gods and other Powers. Why would you ask this of this? Has something become Lost and you wish to find it?"

    The Lady replied, gesturing to Candy as she did so, "Something there has drawn my granddaughter."

    The Lady frowned at that, looked at Candy and hummed.

    "Whatever it was had been focused on Lady Alyson before I drew its notice," Candy said neutrally. "But if these things have such power, why would they need mine?"

    Jazor replied, "You have much power and it has yet to be shaped and tempered. To those that know how to use it, it could be a key for escape of the Lost Hall."

    The Lady frowned at this.

    Candy frowned as well. "And I take it those things are Lost were better stay that way," she said and it was not exactly a question.

    "In most cases that is true. In some cases, the reason why they were Lost was long since lost. And now it doesn't matter. But I don't know. I have only been there twice and once cost me my life and the second my soul. So going there is not without risks," Jazor replied.

    The Lady gasped softly at his reply. And then asked softly, "Then how do you still exist?"

    Jazor replied, "I share my existence with something else. Something from the Lost Hall. Its an existence of sorts -- better then none at all."

    "The thing that took your soul?" Candy asked.

    "Yes," Jasor replied softly.

    "I don't like that at all," she said, glancing to her grandmother. "This thing had its perceptions centered on Albion before it saw me... Alyson should also be warned."

    The Lady replied to Candy after a thoughtful sigh, "I agree. I will notify the Council. You are due to visit Albion soon. Why don't you take care of what you need to do before you go and go." She then said to Jazor, "Thank you for coming. If you can find out what seeks my granddaughter without due risk to yourself, please let me know."

    Jazor nodded to the Lady and Candy, "Should you need me -- speak my name in shadow, I will hear you. Until next we met, Fair Ladies." He bowed to both and then turned and stepped into the nearest shadow and was gone.

    "That could be very handy," Candy commented. She rose and dusted off her trousers. "All right, then. I'd best prepare for my trip to Albion. Thank you, grandmother."

    She bent and kissed the Silver Lady's hair.

    The Silver Lady gave her a hug, "Aye it can be. He can be trusted even with that which he is bonded with."

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