Wow, two months later and I finally manage to make time to update things! Whoot! Check out the links, if anything about a character (yours or someone else's, it doesn't matter) is inaccurate, or missing, or anything like that, please PM me with the corrections that need to be made! As well, if a link's not working for you, or you just note a general error like a spelling mistake, PM me for that too! I'm only human! Mostly... ;)

- Tessa, 02.20.05
Valihi Visit the Weyr!

Rules Read 'em or weep... Ignorance is not an excuse!

Roster A quick menu providing links to full lists of all of Valihi's Characters, including dragonriders, Holder, Crafters, the whole schmiel!
Our Wings Check out our Thread fighting wings! I warn you, there are a lot...
Weyrmates This is a list of all the couples. Don't break 'em up!!

News Just what is going on here?? Check it out!

Healing There's a cure for everything!**
Weyrling Schedules I have a Weyrling! Now what do I do?

Memories Newly updated!
You Know You're Obsessed When... Illy's charming brain child, for those old fogies among us who love our Weyr just a bit too much...

New? Just Confused? Check these out!
Nove's Guide to Valihi
Gwyn's Guide!
Tessa's ABC's of RPing
The Dos and Don'ts of Valihian Role Playing

Courtesy of Pariah A site listing all Valihi's members and current character descriptions!
Adopt-A-Character Looking for a certain character, but not ready to make one totally your own? Check this out!
Bronze Rider Form Want to adopt a bronze rider? Fill this out, my friend!

My Characters Yes, all of them are here, the characters of yours truly, Tessa, in full detail. Check it out!

*Disclaimer: Anything found on this site is a product of our imagination and nothing more; we respect the author's sole right to retain Pern in all of its uniqueness. There is no money being recieved for any part of this.

**Any information found on these particular pages is not the creation of myself or anyone in the Weyr, it is the work of Anne McCaffrey, from her book series
The Dragonriders of Pern, and The Dragonlover's Guide to Pern by Jody Lynn Nye with the help of Anne McCaffrey, and intended solely to aid Valihian members in playing a more accurate, canon Pern.
Harper's Verse
By the Golden Egg of Faranth
By the Weyrwoman, wise and true,
Breed a flight of bronze and brown wings,
Breed a flight of green and blue.
Breed riders, strong and daring,
Dragon-loving, born as hatched
Flight of hundreds soaring skyward,
Man and dragon fully matched
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