A Modern Day Fairy Tale
Chapter 7 - Evading
Lonely-Heart headed South towards her home she shared with Lady of the Cane and her Two Cats.  Knowing that she must practice the Art of Evasion when she returns to her own land, she prepares a statement for the Concerned People.  If you knew Lonely-Heart as this writer does, you would know that she would not want the Concerned People of her Tribe to worry about her.  She has always been the Stable One of her Tribe, and the way she has been acting lately was begging the question, was she Insane or a Fool for Love?  Before she began her mission to the North, Lonely-Heart had asked advice of her sister Weezer the Wise.  Weezer had told her that she must seek the answers her heart demanded of her.  Knowing Lonely-Heart as she did, and the pain that men had put her through in the past, Weezer knew that Lonely-Heart would not be satisfied to just wait.  The only advice she could give was to Follow Your Heart, and don�t let your Fear of Rejection deter you from your Mission.  Weezer had been praying for a long time for Lonely-Heart to find her Mate, and she hoped that this situation could be resolved.  Lonely-Heart has not spoken much of Single-Parent and the things they have shared with anyone.  She has chosen to keep them close to her heart, as she is normally a very Private Person.  But, she knows that Weezer the Wise will help her to see things more clearly, because she is Outside the Situation and can look at it objectively.
     Lonely-Heart knew that Weezer had always been her strongest supporter in her Quest for Love.  Being settled with her own Mate, Gospel-Preacher, and her three children, Limber-Skow, Video-Gamer, and Precious-Pooh, Weezer knew that Lonely-Heart wanted this full life for herself.  Having been raised by the same parents, Lady of the Cane, and
Silent-Man, Weezer and Lonely-Heart, along with their sister Debaleb the Neat, shared a deep love of their Tribe.  Even Debaleb was a Wife and Mother.  Her husband, Maintenance-Man, and her children, Tall-and-Slim and Gangly-Runner made her home a happy one.  Weezer and her family were soon to be living in the castle next door to Lonely-Heart, and Debaleb and her group lived in a castle in The Boonies, which is located past the Traffic Light Zone.  The Tribe was happy and they all lived full lives.  They all felt the loss of Silent-Man, as he had gone to be with the Heavenly Father in the year just past.  He succumbed to the Deadly Brain Tumor, and left this earth.  Leaving behind those he loved, Silent-Man�s departure caused the rest of the Tribe to cling more closely to each other.  The loss of their Patriarch showed them that life is short.  Both Gospel-Preacher and Maintenance-Man began to spend even more time with their own fathers.  Weezer�s father-in-law, Fishing-Dude, and his new wife, Bigbazooms, spent as much time as possible with her and her family.  Gospel-Preacher was raised in a Fractured Family, and his mother All-About-Me, and her new husband, Patient-as-Job, tried to blend in with the rest of Weezer�s Tribe.  Maintenance-Man, his father and mother, Security-Guard and Mall-Shopper tried to spend one night a week with Debaleb and their children.  Usually a Saturday Supper trip to a local Seafood Restaurant, they took along Lady of the Cane too.  This left Lonely-Heart in Peace and Quiet for a few hours each week, which she appreciated.  Weekends for Lonely-Heart were her Comfort Zones.  She tried to stay as close to her castle as possible, and wear the most Comfortable Clothing she owned.  (This mostly involved Sleepwear, as she loved to Nap.)  The only time she ventured forth was to attend her House of Worship.
     Dear Reader, if you are not aware, this last chapter of our story was a full-fledged Tale of Evasion.  It is all truth, but Evasion nonetheless.  It has given this writer a chance to collect her thoughts on how to proceed with the Tale of Lonely-Heart and Single-Parent.  Should she continue to describe the minutia of the day to day life of Lonely-Heart as she waits for word from her Dream Love, or should she just stop here and leave her readers in suspense?.....
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