A Modern Day Fairy Tale
Chapter 6 - Confronting
Lonely-Heart is alone.  She wonders what has happened to send Single-Parent flying off into the night.  Was the mere sight of her face enough to scare the pants off of this big, strong man?  She only had a glimpse of his profile as he drove away, and she could see a shadow of person in the passenger seat of his carriage.  It must have been Sensitive-Soul.  It had to be.  Surely he couldn�t be with anyone else, could he?  Feeling a deep well of sadness spread through her heart, she sends Big Red the signal to depart.
     As she slowly winds her way through the neighborhood towards the gateway, her cell phone rings, that special, musical sound that she has assigned to his cell phone number (just another convenience of modern technology).  Stealing her self for what may wait on the other end of the line, she answers the phone.  Single-Parent and Sensitive-soul are both freaked out!  She should never have come unannounced!  Hearing his voice does nothing to settle Lonely-Heart, for it is cold and hard; without the emotion she has grown to hear from him.  This is a dead sound, like something from far away, no echoes of the tenderness she is used to.  He can�t believe that Lonely-Heart would do such as this.  Why would she travel all this way after he told her he thought the relationship would not work?  She tells him that she wanted answers and she didn�t think he would give her a chance to ask the questions unless she confronted him in person.  The emails and IM�s had not gotten his attention, so here she was.  Lonely-Heart cared enough to find him to try to work through whatever problems there were, because she missed him.  Single-Parent calmly tells her that he thought they were Moving too Fast, it was Too Much, Too Soon, and that he needed Time and Space.  As she listened to him, his voice slowly changed when he told her he thought he was Falling in Love with her, and she began to hear the warmth return to his tone, along with a sadness.  She knew he was angry for her invasion of his Personal Space, but there might be hope still.  Lonely-Heart asked him to meet her in a Public Place just to talk, but he refused, saying he needed More Time.  Being the woman that she is, Lonely-Heart asked if Sensitive-Soul was alright.  He assured her that his daughter was fine, and he would contact her when the time was right, he would Just Know when to get in touch with her.  Knowing that further arguing would gain her nothing, they ended the call.  Thus far, Single-Parent is failing Test Four.  He doesn�t seem to be Willing to Discuss and Solve the Problem.  (This was a Pop Quiz that Lonely-Heart will allow time for a Make-Up Exam as soon as he contacts her again.)  She was overwhelmed with sadness, so as she wept, she Prayed for Peace for her heart.  Asking her
Father in Heaven for comfort, and discernment, she slowly drove South.  After a short time, a small voice inside her said Wait, It�ll Be Alright.  Hugging this knowledge to her, Lonely-Heart pointed Big Red towards home�..
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