A Modern Day Fairy Tale
Chapter 5 - Waiting
Lonely-Heart slowly cruises through the neighborhood and finally finds the castle of Single-Parent.  She parks her trusty truck, Big Red in the driveway, and turns off the engine.  She�s here at last.  Her mission has been accomplished.  Knowing that soon she will come face to face with him sends her heart into overdrive.  Taking a few deep breaths, she rummages through her Bag of Tricks, pulls out her hairbrush, and running it through her dark brown hair she gives herself a pep talk.  He can�t turn me away after all that has been said between us.  He must listen to reason, and allow me to state my case, and offer up an apology if it�s needed.  Feeling stronger now that she looks calm and as presentable as possible, she opens the door and steps out into the unknown.  How will he receive her?  Will he have attack dogs at the door, fangs bared, to rip her throat to a gapping maw?  Will he take one look at her, fall to his knees, and beg her to share his castle and his life?  Taking control of her thoughts, she purposefully strides to the door of his castle and knocks.  There are no sounds from within.  Again she knocks.  Nothing meets her but silence, and the random noises from the neighboring castles.  Is all in vain?  Has she made this trek only to be left standing outside in the heat?  Determined to find the answers she has come for, she makes her way back to Big Red, and sits and waits for his return home.  And she waits.  And waits.  And waits.  Getting a little discouraged, she tries to call his cell phone but gets his Voice Mail.  Leaving a message that she is in town and wants to speak with him, she hangs up the phone and waits.  And waits.  Growing more impatient and thirsty by the minute, she debates on whether to continue her vigil.  She has not thought to bring along victuals believing that he should be home when she arrives.  After hearing nothing in response to her calls and emails over the last two days, and knowing that she cares for him, shouldn�t he expect her to track him down and demand an explanation? 
     As Lonely-Heart waits for Single-Parent to return, she reflects on the happenings of the last month.  During the many long talks that the two Mate-Seekers had shared, they had begun to consider the possibility that this relationship would end in marriage.  She had asked him if he had ties that bound him to his current location, because he had mentioned the thought of Job Searching in her area, so that they would be close to each other.  To all intents and purposes, Lonely-Heart believed that he felt a deep, lasting connection with her, as she did him.  They both had admitted to feeling a Soul Connection, that rare state where two people believe that there is an invisible cord that binds their hearts together.  Lonely-Heart understood him and wanted to share what was left of this life with him.  It came about so suddenly and unexpectedly that both were in a state of awe that they had actually found each other.  While listening to his voice floating over the air waves and reading his words on the IM screen, she longed to be with him in person.  Lonely-Heart wanted to feel his arms around her, knowing that she would feel safe and secure.  She wanted that first meeting of their lips, to feel the passion that two people who cared deeply for each other share.
     After hours of meditating on these things, she is more determined than ever to get to the bottom of this mystery.  She can�t wait to see him.  She decides to drive around the neighborhood and see the sights.  There is a lovely lake or large pond on the road, with a boating dock and pontoons tied up, just waiting for their owners to come take them for a ride.  As she rides she spots a rest area, and goes in to refresh herself.  Having only one bottle of water, and another of lemonade, she needs to decide whether to wait any longer for Single-Parent to return to his castle.  Leaving the rest area, she returns to the small, but cozy looking castle that Single-Parent calls home.  Deciding to find a better vantage point to watch for him, she parks in the neighboring castle�s driveway.  Almost two and a half hours have past since Lonely-Heart drove through that gateway, and still she is alone.  Her Mother, the Lady of the Cane, calls to check on her, and Lonely-Heart assures her that she will be home soon.  Just a little bit longer, and if he doesn�t show up, she�ll leave a note on his door, and make the long, lonely trip to her home in the South.
     Finally, she sees his car on the road, and preparing to get out and face him, she starts to climb out of Big Red, only to look up and see his car pulling away from his castle.  Where has he gone?  Will he come back soon?  Did he leave because he saw her?  She walks to the door and leaves a note.  Returning to Big Red, she prepares for the long drive home.....
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