A Modern Day Fairy Tale
Chapter 4 - Crashing
Having drunk too much before bedtime, around midnight Lonely-Heart awakens and has to use the toilet.  While she is awake, she checks her offline messages and emails.  Oh boy, an email from Single-Parent.  She is stunned to tears as she reads his letter.  �We don�t have the same values and respect, and I don�t think this is going to work.�  What?!?!?  Where did this come from?  Is it a joke?  Is it a cruel prank?  Lonely-Heart reacts the only way she can, and she calls his cell phone.  Not getting an answer, she leaves a tearful message for him.  After having composed herself, and thinking about it, she decides to send him an email.  She pours out her heart to him, asking him to just tell her what went wrong so suddenly.  She reads the transcript of the earlier chat with his daughter, and cannot see where she made a mistake.  She slowly wanders back to bed and lies awake crying most of the night.  Lonely-Heart has a streak of the Hermit in her soul, and as we all know, Hermits tend to stay shut away from the rest of the world, and she does this especially when wounded.  Telling the others in the house that she doesn�t feel well, (and what an understatement) Lonely-Heart wallows in her misery the next day.  As the day comes to a close, the darkening sky reflects the sadness in her heart.  It�s been too long to not have heard from Single-Parent, she frets.  Why doesn�t he just contact me and bless me out if I�ve done something wrong?  Another night passes slowly for her, but she does manage to rest.  The next day, as is every seventh day, is Church Day, and she tries to concentrate on the Message from God.  She is still unsettled in her heart, wondering what is going on with Single-Parent, and what the problem is between them.  After all the time that the two of them have spent talking, why can�t this be discussed and worked through?  Does he not care enough to try to mend the rift?
     After coming home from her
House of Worship, Lonely-Heart tries to take a nap.  She has lost sleep pondering the actions of Single-Parent.  Try as she might, sleep will not come.  An urgency to find and confront him blinds her to anything else.  She wants answers!  Having always avoided confrontations of any kind in the past, she is shocked that she wants to face him.  Lonely-Heart heads to the road armed only with a map of the main city where he lives, and a vague description of his castle, knowing that she won�t rest until she finds the man that has taken her heart and stomped on it.
     There is something within Lonely-heart that keeps her steady as she travels to the land of the North.  She feels she has been wrongfully accused of something, and not been given a chance to defend herself.  Defend herself?!?!  She still doesn�t understand what the accusation is, but Single-Parent has made himself judge, jury and executioner.  He has laid her feelings out in the cold, dark rain as if they were trash waiting on the side of the road.  Not this time, she vows!  Too many men in her life have tossed her aside, and she is sick and tired of it!  The only way she will leave the North Country, is if she has time to speak her case, and hopefully gain some answers to the questions that burn in her mind.
     While chatting with Single-Parent, he divulges enough information to Lonely-Heart, that being the Puzzle-Solver that she is, she begins her search. Close to several food supplies, facilities to catch your own supper if you�re handy with a fishing rod, a cement pond to splash in, and small motorized carts to maneuver around the neighborhood.  Hmmmmm, she thinks to herself, I can solve this puzzle, but my heart must be in it, or it will come to naught.  She comes to the main city of the North, and stopping to refresh herself, she asks a wandering couple if they can point her to one of several home sites such as he described.  The kindly older man gives her the location down the road to begin her final search.  Lonely-Heart quickly finds three places that seem likely locations for his castle, and taking one at a time, she stops at the Super�s Lodging and asks if this is the place Single-Parent resides.  She is turned away at the first two sites, being told that he does not live there.  Tired and hungry, thirsty and saddle-sore, she pauses before going to the last place on her list.  Into the proprietor�s door she goes, hoping that at last she�s in the right spot.  Eureka, this is it!  She is given detailed directions by the kind lady who runs the establishment, and paying her visitor�s fee, she climbs back in her trusty truck.  Driving through the gate towards his castle, she thinks to herself, now, there�ll be a question and answer time, or my name isn�t Lonely-Heart.....
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