A Modern Day Fairy Tale
Chapter 16 � Dating
     Hello readers!  Here�s an update in the saga of Lonely-Heart.  Through her personals ad, she found an interesting man.  He shared her Faith and he is a Father of Many Kids.  Great at emailing novellas.  One huge draw-back�He could be the President of Wild Conspiracy Theories of America.  Too bad really, because he seemed normal in every other aspect.
     Many months go by, and Lonely-Heart is still sitting in front of her monitor, waiting, and waiting, and waiting�  Finally�contact from a real live man.  He introduces himself with a short email, and they quickly begin sending instant messages back and forth and back and forth.  The phone calls begin soon there-after.  He seems to be The Perfect Man for her.
     Lonely-Heart is wooed within an inch of her heart.  The two lovebirds begin to see each other as often as possible, and since they live four hours apart, it�s not as often as they�d like.  There are daily phone calls and long nightly chats online.  Every conversation helps them realize how much they have in common and how much they�re starting to care for one another.  They each visit the other�s church and meet friends.  It seems things are moving quickly and swimmingly.
     The Saturday get-togethers are marvelous!  The two talking about everything that�s in their hearts.  They make plans for the future.  He begins looking for a job closer to her, and plans to move soon.  They discuss children and where they�ll live after they marry.  Marry!  Wowser!
     Mr. Perfect is everything that Lonely-Heart has been praying for.  He loves her for herself and doesn�t want to change her.  He�s gentle, sweet and understanding.  He accepts her physical limitations, and doesn�t expect her to take long hikes.  They enjoy time sitting and talking together, or watching TV.
     She finally learns that she isn�t frigid or an Ice Maiden.  They share many tender, close times.  She feels feminine and all woman.  They never cross the line by having sex, but they do get very intimate.
     Lonely-Heart�s Tribe is divided over the new relationship.  Lady of the Cane doesn�t want her daughter to be hurt.  The others are just excited that she finally has a man of her own.  Her friends are amazed and happy for her.
He has a home, transportation, and a job.  And he wants her.  Perfect.  

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