A Modern Day Fairy Tale
Chapter 13 � Requesting
Lonely-Heart is despairing of ever hearing from Single-Parent again.  She has a sneaking suspicion that a terrible accident has befallen him.  One of those Freakish Workplace Accidents that you hear about on the news.  He must have broken both of his hands and suffered total loss of Vocal Control.  What else could explain the lack of communication from him?  After all, he has all of her contact numbers, addresses, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.  He is never online anymore.  That special ring tone on her cell phone has not sounded since that last confrontational call from him.  Her Inbox is empty.
     Lonely-Heart has Prayed long and hard about the situation, but has received no concrete answers.  The
Still Small Voice inside her says one word�..�Wait�.  So she is waiting.
Leonardo has advised Lonely-Heart that Single-Parent just might have been Two-Timing her.  He may have had another Single woman �on the hook�, and decided that she was better Suited to his Tastes.  Otherwise, he would have responded to her Abject Apologies and Forgiven her.  Lonely-Heart wants to refute his opinion, but having no facts to share, she remains silent.
     Believing in her heart that Single-Parent just needs Time and Space, Lonely-Heart waits for him.  She is beginning to get a bit Angry though.  Since her childhood she has always been the first to accept blame and offer sincere apologies, even when she was not wrong.  Many people who are close to her will attest to this fact.  The
Counselor of Faith that she has, reprimands her when things go badly between her and another of her Friends or Tribe, and urges her to make amends if possible.  Lonely-Heart is also known far and wide as a Repairer of the Breaches, or Peacemaker.  She has tried everything possible, short of placing a phone call to Single-Parent, and she will not even think of going that far.  He must be Willing to get in contact with her, and she does not want to force another confrontation, as she does not want to Invade his Personal Space again until she is invited to do so.
     Lonely-Heart has often been a Sufferer of Depression when traumas have happened to her.  She has not fallen into that Deep Well at this point, and she refuses to allow this situation to drag her to that Dark Place.  After the loss of
Silent-Man, Lonely-Heart began to look at her life from a different perspective.  None of us knows how much time we have here.  Sure, she has been sad and she has wept oceans of tears because she misses him.  Her Tribe thinks she sleeps too much, which is a sign of Depression, but that is another story for another time.  At this point in her life, Lonely-Heart just wants to be happy and upbeat, though she sometimes finds it difficult.  Still, life goes on and she doesn�t want to be left out of anything wonderful that her future holds, which is where her Quest for a Mate comes in.
     Lonely-Heart has always dreamed of being a Wife and Mother.  At her advanced age, she has relinquished the idea of bearing a child, but the hopes of marrying a good Faithful man still lingers.  No one knows how many
Trolls she has actually been through on her path as a Mate-Seeker.  She thought that the connection with Single-Parent was a Gift from Above, and would bring those hopes to fruition.  He seemed to be the epitome of all of her dreams.  He said that he shared her Faith and goals for a future.  He made her laugh, which is an essential element in any relationship she has.  He said he thought she was beautiful, which made her wonder if he is slightly blind, and that he was attracted to her, which made her glow inside.
     Lonely-Heart is beginning to wonder if she has given him too much Time and Space.  How much is enough, she wonders?  If she makes no attempt to contact him, will he think she is no longer interested in a relationship with him?  By granting his request, is she taking the chance that he will choose to search for another?  She doesn�t want to cross that fine line from Interested to Stalker.
     Lonely-Heart has made one last effort at communication between them.  She has requested his presence in the eating area of a crowded multi-store location that is halfway between their homelands.  She would like to be able to sit down and talk face to face with him, and try to mend the link between them.  Thus far, she has received no reply to her invitation.  She is willing to give him Time, but maybe he has moved on and left her in the cold.  The lack of response seems to indicate that he has lost all feeling for her and wishes never to hear from her again.   Either that or he has never received her message.
Kayak-Girl has stated that every Fairy Tale must have a happy ending.  Sorry, sweet friend, but Lonely-Heart has left that ending in the hands of Single-Parent, and is waiting for his next move�..
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