A Modern Day Fairy Tale
Chapter 12 � Wondering
Lonely-Heart is more confused now than she ever has been.  She feels as if she has made Wrong Choices.  Oh, not about choosing Single-Parent, for that has been the best thing that she has done in a long time, and she still hopes for More Contact between them.  But maybe she has made a mistake in sharing the details of her Quest for Love with others.  Perhaps she should stop here and now, and let the readers wonder forever how the story Progresses or Slowly Dies.
     This writer knows that those few who have read her Fairy Tale have been enjoying themselves, but it may be Too Much Information.  She has tried to paint Word Pictures to let you into her Mind and Heart, but suppose it�s more than people want to read about?  Are the Characters confusing?  Are there too many people to keep track of?  Lonely-Heart has used an Alias for everyone mentioned in the Fairy Tale, so as to not Offend anyone.
     Only a handful of folks have expressed encouragement to Lonely-Heart, and she would like to know how her readers feel.  (Of course, she has not really advertised her Web Page, so it�s mostly Family and Friends.)  Should she continue or stop here, and let her readers Imagine the Rest?  Would you like to read of more details as they happen, or is this a case of Enough is Enough?  Is the Modern Day Fairy Tale worth continuing?
     Give Lonely-Heart some Feedback.  Sign her Guest Book, IM her, or Email her.  Constructive Criticism is welcome.   She'll try her best to give The People what they want, and hopefully have many more chapters yet to write.....
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