A Modern Day Fairy Tale
Chapter 11 � Discussing
The oldest and dearest friend of Lonely-Heart has contacted her asking to be brought Up-to-Date.  Bop-a-Lou and Lonely-Heart have been confidants since their High School days.  Lonely-Heart shares the Modern Day Fairy Tale with her.  She has added insight, being a One-Parent also, of how Lonely-Heart may have scared Single-Parent and his daughter.  After all, the three of them have never met in person, and Lonely-Heart�s offer to travel to their castle may have been misunderstood as an Attack on their Privacy.  She pointed out that Lonely-Heart never made it clear to Sensitive-Soul or Single-Parent that she wanted to Gain his Permission to visit before she created her itinerary for the trip.  He might have thought that Lonely-Heart was being too familiar with his daughter while they were chatting online.  Lonely-Heart wanted to make Sensitive-Soul comfortable with the idea that she and Single-Parent would like to spend time together, and that his daughter would never be isolated from the relationship.
     Lonely-Heart now realizes after listening to the advice of Family and Friends, that she should never have contacted Sensitive-Soul in the first place.  She should have waited and let Single-Parent handle the details of the first introduction and the first contact between his daughter and Lonely-Heart.  Lonely-Heart deeply regrets having caused Single-Parent and Sensitive-Soul any grief or turmoil and hopes that he will Find it in his Heart to forgive her for her Impulsiveness and Impatience.  She Feels like an Idiot for the last two weeks of Silence that have fallen between the two Mate-Seekers, and would try to Make Amends if only Single-Parent would allow her the opportunity.
     Lonely-Heart has had a little time on her hands lately, and has been thinking about the Time before she began her Quest for Love.  She has been a sporadic Journal Keeper for years, and re-reading entries over the recent past, she is reminded of something important.  A little more than a year ago, she was puzzled over the fact that she was Still Single and having such a problem connecting with A Mate.  It seemed that everywhere she turned, she was running into brick walls.  She noted one night��The next man that seems to be the slightest bit interested in me will have to come right out and speak what�s on his mind.  No more mind games!  I want a man who�s not afraid of a relationship or of being with me.  I want him to sweep me off of my feet.  I don�t want to have to pretend to be somebody I�m not with him.  Let him accept me exactly the way I am, and not try to make me into his idea of the perfect woman.  I don�t want to change for a man.  I�m worth loving exactly the way I am!�  How true this still is!
     Lonely-Heart also remembered a line from a note she sent to
The Jerk (she never confronted him face to face)�� I made a promise to my Dad before he died.  I told him that if God ever found the right man for me, he would have to be somebody extra special, who would be my equal in every way; mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually�someone who wanted me and cared for me in every way, faults and all.�  This is a Solemn Vow.
     Lonely-Heart believes that Single-Parent fills the requirements of both of these Promises she has made to herself.  It�s up to him to find out if she is what he needs too.  He needs to Look Within himself, and decide if he is Willing to Forgive and Forget, and let them both see if this relationship is Worth Pursuing, as Lonely-Heart believes that it is.....
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