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Special interest groups are holding a national forum on global warming and the Kyoto Accord.  They desperately want the citizens of their country to be informed about global warming and to be aware of the Kyoto Accord since it may directly or indirectly affect their daily lives in the near future.

Taking on the role of either a politician, an environmentalist, a scientist, a large corporate business owner or a concerned citizen, you will complete three tasks:

Task #1

  • Create 3 web pages which briefly outline your feelings about global warming and the Kyoto Accord, along with your position and your reasons for adopting or discarding this accord.

Task #2

  • Present your web pages in an oral presentation to the citizens of your nation (your audience may include not only your classmates, but other students and teachers in the building and perhaps parents and members of your community).

Task #3

  • Complete a "WebQuest" Journey log book which includes your daily thoughts and reflections as you work through the WebQuest process.

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