WELL...Only if it’s by Danae, Beatrice, or me, Carrie! 

     That’s right!  We’re back, and we’re clowning our five favorite boys some more!  (Bea: Eww!  CAR used my full name!  I hate that name!  Call me Bea for heaven’s sake!) Riiiiggghhht…Bea (trice)!  Any hoo…hey wonderful and loyal Five “I Want to Have Your Baby” Fan, did you ever wonder what was going through Sean, Scott, J, Abs, or Ritchie’s head as they took one of those many pictures that line your walls?  Cause you know WE SURE DID.  AND what we want to know we find out people!!  And guess what... 
    Exclusively at this very site is the answer to your deep ponderings!  D and I actually psychologically evaluated/hypnotized/sensually massaged each member as they reminisced about some of the photos they took, (while Bea tied them to a chair, of course).  You want to know what they were ACTUALLY thinking, well click on the lightbulbs (hand drawn by the ARTIST known as BEA) and find out!

           INDIVIDUAL PONDERINGS                        GROUP DEEP THOUGHTS

                           These VOID members can only imagine what you're thinking
                               Bea, Car, and D already KNOW what you're thinking!

"You want to go where everybody knows your NAME!"

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