Fighting Guide

Fighting is one of the best things to do in runescape.There are many different types of fighters they are:

Pure fighter - Has A very high strengh level a low defence and about average attack but does not train any other fighting skills in result will become im pure.Example attack 40 defence 10 strengh 60 or better. Pure fighters usally go to the wilderness solo or in a team with a ranger and mage.         

Im pure fighter - trains all fighting stats to about the same.

Prayer Beast - Most of the time they have same combat stats as pure fighter but has level 31 prayer for ultama strengh.

Ranger - A ranger is some 1 who shoots other players in the wilderness with a crossbow or longbow usally has a really high range level and about attack 30 defence 30 and strengh 30. Usally hunt i groups

Mage - A mage is some 1 who uses magic to fight usally has high magic level a high deence level and low attack and strengh usally hunt in groups.

The best thing to do is get a group togeather of at least 1 of each kind of player and go to the wilderness which is straight north from edge ville and varrock.

1.level 1 wilderness is where newbs hang out.
2. level 14 wilderness the castle where high level pkers hang out.
3.greater demonds and runite rocks for hardcore very high level players.

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