In an attempt to wrestle some of the market share away from Nintendo's Gameboy, arcade veteran SNK released the black and white version of the NeoGeo Pocket in 1998. When Nintendo released the color version of the Gameboy, SNK followed suit with the NeoGeo Pocket Color. However, the machine has so far failed to make its mark on the worldwide handheld market, despite being released offically in several countries and having some great titles. The machine is acually more powerful than the Gameboy Color, and has a 16-bit CPU. What it doesn't have is Pokemon, and that could be the deciding factor.

SNK recently pulled all of its units from the US and closed down its offices. Therefore the only games available for the machine will be from Japan.

Please note that the games reviewed below are were played using a NeoGeo Pocket Color, and may not be compatible with the older black and white unit.

Metal Slug: First Mission

SNK Vs Capcom: Cardfighters Clash

SNK Vs Capcom: Match Of The Millennium

Sonic Pocket Adventure

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