Trairoes  River

Having great part of its margins placed inside of a private rural property, the Von Den Steinen river has expressive part of its course - about 60 kilometers - protected by a RPPN – Private Reserve of the National Patrimony.

There places the Xingu Ecological Refuge, an enterprise implanted which main focus is to mix the native culture with the wealth of the environment, what turns it in an excellent alternative for the practice of the cultural, ecological, and sporting fishing tourism. Their guides and employed staff belong to Indians of the Uaurá tribe, which are assigned in explaining the culture of  the region people, as well as, demonstrating the effectiveness of countless vegetables with medicinal properties.

The ecological tourism is an excellent option, because of the forest practically intact, the vegetable wealth, replete of enormous Castanheiras (tree), Guarantas (tree) and others vegetate of great load. Adding to that, still exist vast diversity fauna, being common to visualize capybaras, tapirs, alligators, monkeys, besides exotic birds as Mutum, the Biguatinga, wild ducks, Jacus and Jacutingas, among others of inferior load. 

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