so i have a webpage again.                           
like you really care.
currently under construction. aren't we all.
the new journal! updated more often!
a little bit about me for your files rhisomes reading list bilder
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16 JULY 2004
important type news!
right, so, i'm too lazy to update the journal of this site the way i've been having to do it. and i'm too cheap to pay to FTP blogger stuff to geocities. SO... this site will be undergoing renovation - the journal will be MOVING somewhere - probably to blogger/blogspot. i'll keep you updated on where it goes. meanwhile, this geocities page will be dedicated to my files etc - more photos, continuing interview page, etc. this site will be updated occassionally, with possible posts on this index/journal page every so often alerting you to something really massively important. but it's too much of a pain to move text boxes around and put things on the archives pages just to write three sentences about cicadas or whatnot. mindless drivel requires a mindless format.... link of where my journal is headed will be posted here shortly.
much love to you all!
-the carie

***ps- so there's now a link up top (look for the big yellow asterisk) to my hopefully more-often-updated journal. the url for that is it's purty easy, folks. :) enjoy!

look also for some changes to the front page of this site, to make it more purty. wheee! happy belated bastille day, everyone. sorry i missed posting for that. ;)
26 JUNE 2004
it's my birthday! happy birthday to me.
the UN and i have the same birthday! on june 26, 1945, the charter of the united nations was signed.
also, on june 26, 1948, the Berlin airlift (Rosinenbomber) began, bringing food/supplies to the blockaded west berlin.
additionally, on this day in 1940, turkey (the country, not the poultry) declared its neutrality regarding WWII.
and it's Pearl S. Buck's birthday. she wrote
The Good Earth. which is a book i haven't read, but it's about china, or so i hear.
anyway, i'm having a birthday party. copius links to the party invite exist here on the site.
i also dyed my hair, and it's really atrocious. it's not the color i hoped for or expected, but it's not that upsetting. i'm more in shock. apparently i now look like the gal from "The Fifth Element" that wacky bruce willis film.
perhaps photos of the hair-dying fiasco will appear online in some near future moment, when i get the digital pics from my mom. ;)
happy summer, everyone! and happy birthday to me!
to everyone who is scattered across the earth and can't make to to my party: i miss you! i wish you were here! enjoy the exotic location! (china, japan, new york, ohio, illinois)
much love! - the carie
23 JUNE 2004
i'm very excited about the first rain. it isn't officially monsoon season though, because for that we need 3 consecutive days where the dew point is above 65. we haven't had that and probably won't for another 2 weeks. this storm system came up from the gulf of california, not the gulf of mexico, which is where monsoon comes from. but it's rain, nonetheless. blessed wonderful wet rain! and it smells great.
anyway, now that i've bored you with my meterological ramblings, i'll ramble about something else. i bought boots. they're really nice. now i need to get thinner socks to wear with them, and a little foamy thing for under the ball of my foot, so i can dance the night away in them. but they're wonderful boots. maybe there will be pictures of them soon / eventually. i'm really lazy about developing film. even more lazy than i am about scanning in photos i've got lying about. i should get a digital camera, but they're expensive like nobody's business. is that a normal figure of speech? did i use it properly? oh well, whatever.
the other day, being tuesday, that is, i went on an adventure to try to find the first rainstorm in southern arizona. a lot of miles were put on my friend's car (at least 100, i say) for only a little rain on ourselves. we did get some good rain on the car, but only in the middle of the highway. as soon as there was a pull-out or an exit so we could leap out of the car and dance about in the rain, the rain would stop.
alas. well, in a few weeks i'm sure i'll have managed to get drenched and have ridden my bike through 18" of water on university blvd. whee! looking forward to it, and to my
birthday. happy birthday to me! :)
19 JUNE 2004
so the birthday party is actually going to happen, whee! here's the invitation. hooray for birthday. woo-hoo.
this week i cleaned my house, did some reading, messed the house, shopped for and purchased father's day gifts (barbeque implements to accompany the barbeque my mom got for dad), made some earrings, designed (with nate's assistance) the
party invite, went shopping for shoes to party in (failed: all the stores were closed. i guess i have to go in the heat of the day. darn. a sweater full of darns.) anyway, so yeah. it's warm, i'm trying to keep myself busy, and i manage to do so, mostly. check out the party invite. you should come, if you're 21+ and live in tucson. :)
happy solstice, folks!
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