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14 JUNE 2004
so i stopped posting for a while. i was busy. and now, now i'm tired. but i figured i had better post. but in order to post, i had to totally re-arrange my archives pages. this is why it would be easier to use a blog-type server, or pay to be able to FTP my blog-ness from somewhere like Blogger to this lowly geocities page. but i'm more stingy than i am lazy, so here i am doing things the hard but cheaper way. because i insist on designing my own page and not having a weird blogger template page. arrgh.
okay, i'm ranting. sorry.
anyway, things are great. i finished teaching the children at arts camp. and this year, by some sort of miracle, instead of never wanting to see a child again, for some weird reason i felt inspired to become a teacher and i actually considered some day (like, i think, 35 would be a good age) having a child of my own. i mean, i probably wouldn't let it ggrow inside me like a creepy alien parasite, but i could obtain a child somehow and raise it and teach it things. i like teaching. i like teaching kids, for that matter.
but i'm not by any means saying that i'm not glad camp is over. i'm very glad. it's nice not being 120% exhausted. it's nice not being in pain. it's nice to have quiet. it's nice to be able to fall asleep without the sound of children whining echoing in my mind.... ahhh. quiet. i like it. it's nice.
anyway, in just under 2 wks i turn 21. the most important birthday an american could have. like chris peterson once said to me, being 20 really sucks. you're already bored with everything that became legal when you turned 18. you're no longer a teenager, but you can't drink, go to clubs, or rent a car. being 20 is the nothing-year. so, i'm excited. there's the planning of a darling little cocktail party followed by an excursion to a local club. whee! getting to dress up and go to a club. i haven't been dancing since i was in germany. that was like, umm, 3 yrs ago. so i'm excited.
also, father's day is coming up and i don't know what to get my dad. it's a mystery.
umm, i don't know what else to say.
my wrist hurts. ow. poor wrist. maybe i should stop typing, if only for my poor wrist's sake.
well then, goodnight all!
-the carie
06 JUNE 2004
blah blah blah. anyway, this was a good weekend. i did some things, and then there were some things i did not do. i did order a pizza and put the leftovers in my freezer so i can have pizza all week. i went to see nate (among other people) perform in the New ARTiculations dance concert on saturday night. i took the bus. i was the only person on the bus, and i was all dressed up. it was like my super-sized limo. i felt special. the show was quite good. several wonderful pieces (nate's big aerial piece was, of course, spectacular) and a few that needed some editing. but overall quite good. there was a cast party after the show, so i stayed up way too late. in the morning, i had pancakes with pecan-butter. mmm. then i did not go to the second cast party at 1pm, nor go see Harry Potter with assorted people, nor go to the waterpark with assorted person. instead, i took a nap. later, i dyed my mother's hair for mother's day. yes, yes, i'm running late. but hey, that's life! happy june to all of y'all. don't get deported while on vacation.
03 JUNE 2004
pleeeease go to "questions and comments" and ask me interview questions! i'm so bored. actually, i have no right to be bored at this moment in time. i could be cleaning house or preparing more lesson plans. but nonetheless, i'm bored. that's ok. it's REALLYHOT OUTSIDE! i said that yesterday, but it's still true. i hope as you read this you're in a less-hot place than tucson, AZ.
have a great thursday.               -me
02 JUNE 2004
in which the month changes, carie nearly gets eaten alive by 30 children, and such.
i really should be doing my dishes, but i realized i hadn't updated this page in a few days. it's very hot outside. i'm not "down with that." i don't understand little-kid slang. i think i'm just obsolete. or something. it's weird.
anyway, my legs hurt a whole lot, my house is a disastrous mess, and yeah. i'm frazzled.
the heat, i think, is making me have trouble relating to the world. i feel like i'm wearing too many jackets, and therefore cannot have interpersonal communication. that probably doesn't make sense to anyone but me. oh well.
damn, i'm not gonna get to work on time. i'm just too sleepy.
so not only am i teaching at a day camp (9 to 3) but i've also decided that i need to work a night job, so i've been working out at pima west for another dance company's upcoming show. now i really like working at pima, it's a nice theatre, but i think it was a really bad idea to volunteer for that. poo.
now i'm exhausted and in constant pain.
i don't know how i can teach kids on only 6hrs of sleep.
this is apparently my whiny journal entry.
anyway, just so you know, i'm really busy and it's hot and i need new shoes and i need to clean my house and do my dishes.
speaking of those dishes, i should stop talking about them and go do them.
have a nice full moon, coming up at 12:20am EDT. (whenever that is in real time, i don't know. sorry.)
-the carie
29 MAY 2004
there's a cricket under my window. he likes to chirp. i forget how to tell the temperature from counting a cricket's chirps, so i just looked at the thermometer. it's 78F.
anyway, i'm tired, so i'm not going to write much tonight. it's been a long day of work, and then shopping for work-related supplies. and a cantaloupe.
the cricket stopped chirping. maybe that's a sign i should go to bed.
oh wait, he started again. oh well..... goodnight all.
28 MAY 2004
so. i'm experimenting with possibly hosting my journal at another site:, as it seems way easier to make IT post my journal entries for me, and lets people comment. but it might be WAY too inconvenient for everyone involved. and i don't want to abandon this lovely site. if i paid $5 a month i could host the journal on this very site. but i don't feel like it. i'd rather buy $5 of ice cream each month. it's not TOO annoying to put my journal up here, the good old "stick some text in here" way... i'm even being lazy and using yahoo's lovely pagebuilder program, and not actually writing this in html. because my lazy side overpowers my hopeless geek side. which i guess is a good thing. hey! let me know what you think is better: everything on this one site, or a journal elsewhere (with a link here) that you can make comments on (and not have to email me a comment, then see if i feel like posting it.)
email me. and let me know your opinion.
BTW, it should be obvious, but remove the "remove this text" from the front end of my email within that link. i've done it that way so email-harvesting robots can't put me on yet another mailing list so i can "enhance my manhood"..
love and lobsters!      
- the carie
so i solved the problem. i will NOT continue to post my journal anywhere else but here. i like it here. here i am in CONTROL! mwahaha! (maniacal and sinister laugh). anyway, so the solution to making it CONVENIENT for the posting of your comments and questions is the creation of a beautiful thing called the "guestbook". the clicking on the guestbook dealie allows you to put comments and questions up for me and the world to see. how brilliant.
[edit] ...ROCK ON! i figured out how to link to the guestbook (questions + comments) feature w/o having to use the ugly "guestbook" icon provided by geocities. i'm so cool. love me.
and post questions and comments. :)

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