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I only use the term "birthmother" in this title so that my site will be more easily found. You will find a link to my position about this word as well as other adoption related issues.
My Story --a poem
The Rest of the  Story
My Life Now
Poetry Links
Books, Art, Songs, Etc.
My story
My name is Donna.
I am a mother who lost  two children to adoption and this is my story, but it is much more than just my story. 

If you are pregnant and considering adoption:  
PLEASE, PLEASE look closely at this site.
My advice to you:
KEEP YOUR BABY!  The agencies and attorneys that want you to surrender your baby for adoption are not in all liklihood telling you the truth.  You will find links to other firstmothers' sites and read their stories.  There is information on adoption myths and on the life long effects of adoption on the mother and the child.  Please go to Birthmothers Exploited By Adoption (BEBA) for the truth.  Another good place to find some of the truth about giving your baby up for adoption can be found at:

Things I Wish I Had Known.

What They knew and Didn't Tell Us

Adoption: Myth & Fact

Susan's Birthmother Page
(a "birth" mothers story with some alternative to adoption)

Natural Families (resources to help you keep your baby and more info on the negative effects of adoption.

Unplanned Pregnancy--Call:

If you are a firstmother you will find links to support groups, other firtstmother sites, articles that will validate your feelings.  You will find out that you are not alone.  They will  help you understand what happened to you.  There is  search and reunion information and much more. The following  link is to an Australian site but it expresses very clearly what many of us were told and exprienced.

Adoption Thoughts From the Heart

If you are an adoptee you will find information here that may help you to understand why you were surrendered for adoption, articles on the effects of adoption on you and your mother, search and reunion information.  The Painted Bird was written by an adoptee about her need  to search and what she found. 

On my
Links page you will find sites that will educate you about various aspects of adoption, including searching and support.  And you will find links to sites about acoption activism.

*To read my position on a few adoption related issues click HERE

Next P
age My Story
Sunflowers don't hide in the shadows,
as meek little violets might,
But stand straight and tall in the field where they grow,
And bathe int the sun's glowing light.
Their petals spread visions for beauty,
Their stems bend and sway in the might of the storm,
More supple, yet stronger than wood.
Sunflowers are not only lovely,
But sturdy and useful and strong/
They're the sign of a sweet, golden summer,
And the cue for the cardinal's song.
If flowers ever had wisdom.
(And what do we know?  They just might!)
Then the sunflower must be the wisest,
To find its way into the light.

Robin Westbrook


I would love to hear from you!
Music playing is Sarah Mclachlan's
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