November 2001

What fools those terrorists be!

Yes, the United States is now different!  But how different?  Time will tell!  Some things remain the same.We call upon God when we are in trouble, but reject him otherwise.  At least prayer makes us aware that when we are in trouble we cannot handle those troubles ourselves.

As for the terrorists - dead or alive - they will have their reward.  Actually, they think they are the winners.  But you see, the followers of Christ are on the winning side.

Families are hurting, but those killed September 11th who knew Christ as their Savior are in glory.  At least one known Christian couple from NJ died in the PA crash.  In II Cor. 5:8 it says that to be "absent from the body is to be present with the Lord."

Hundreds of people attended memorial services.  If we could look back at this time from the future it would be interesting to see how many people committed their lives to Christ and to Christian service because of the influx through the years.

Friends, we are on the victory side of the conflicts of life, personally or internationally, no matter what.  Why?  II Cor. 15:56-57 says "The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law.  But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."

Hallelujah!  Why worry?  Give thanks instead of grief.

Pastor Blackley

October 2001


December 2001

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