From the Pastor's Pen

Do you remember the song, "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth"?  There may be some reading this who wish they had their two or more teeth!

We might all have a wish list.  Better income to care for the family, better health, whatever special wants to enhance one's life.  Some, in light of September 11th, will want peace on earth.  However, we should not dwell on these things but on a higher plane of mental activity.

My wish for Christmas is a real transformation into the life of Christ in His fullness of indwelling.  Also my wish, or better, my desire is to help First Baptist discover life where complacency, criticism and neglecting Bible study and prayer are replaced with love, compassion and thanksgiving.  When we become thanksgiving people, we will be amazed what happens in the church and its witness.

The events of this year call for us to use our gifts.  God has already given for the work of the Holy Spirit and the proclamation of the Gospel of Christ.

In the birth of Christ so many things transpire: "the shepherds...returned to their flock glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen." Luke 2:20

Isaiah 9:16 prophesied: For to us a child is born, to us a son is given...He will be called...Prince of Peace.  How does God's peace come?  By peace in one's own heart, mind and spirit - Christ the Prince of Peace living in us.

During December Sundays the advent wreath lighting will be part of the morning services.  Families will light the candle and youth will read scripture.  There will also be a candlelight service on Christmas Eve, Monday the 24th at 7:30 PM.

A joyous and Christ-centered Christmas.

Pastor Blackley


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