October 2001


Immediately you will think about money!  Well, you are not very far from it.  However, that stems from a relationship and responsibility.  It may also be the direct outcome of the right thinking and commitment.

Note:  The words "steward" and "stewardship."  The common concept is "A manager of a household or estate." The Greek word oikonomons means "to arrange a house." The verb form of oikonomons signifies "to be a house steward."  The whole idea is that someone is taking care of someone else's possessions.

In olden times the steward was a slave or freedman.  He had complete control of his master's household: the care, cleaning, security and even finances.  In a similar fashion every member and attendee are stewards of the household of First Baptist Church in Vineland.

As stewards we recognize our responsibility regarding church - youth and adult programs, building maintenance and our witness in the community.  No one is exempt from responsibility.

The Bible is replete with references to the fact that we should give regularly to the Lord's work.  It is also clear how to give and when.  Let me suggest for your enrichment the following scripture portions:  Nehemiah 10:37 & Malachi 3:10.

There is a church near Washington, DC that had a membership of no more than 200 persons.  Each one was responsible in their giving but also to function in some way for a full year.  Their membership in the church rested in carrying out their responsibility.  If they did not, they lost their membership.  They have a waiting list!

The First Baptist Church needs people who will honor the Lord, submit to His Lordship and expect God to grant a blessing.

There is a lot to be said about giving in both the Old and New Testaments in the Bible.

Pastor Blackley

September 2001


November 2001

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