
About me
Spirit Finder  My real name is Lissa, short for Melissa. I live in Missouri (USA) with my husband and our three children. I also have two stepsons and a grandson.

I have had the gifts of clairvoyance and clairaudience since childhood, but was told I was silly--so I ignored my intuition and Guides. Then, in 1994, I began to hear and see them again. In 1997, I was in a fire and spent weeks in a coma. While in Out-of-Body state, I met with many of my Guides, was informed I wasn't to give up, and shown much of my life path.

After a lengthy and painful recovery, my awareness of "The Other Side" grew and I began reading tarot cards and paid more attention to "coincidences." Most, if not all of my Guidance came from my guides. As my awareness expanded, I began to develop the art of reading auras, progressed with Rune readings, learned to heal with energy & light, and opened the door to mediumship, remote viewing and channelling. With these gifts combined, I have had the blessing of talking with my passed son, grandfather, and other spirits who have messages for people.


Born April 12th -1912 Passed August 17-2006

A Personal Story Nearly 10 years later:

Spirit is Guiding me to share some of the last few days and moments of my Grandmother's Life here. As Private and Personal as it is, I cannot share Truth unless it is told, regardless of Personal Beliefs. I share this with all who are led to my page, in hopes to bring Awareness to those who seek Knowledge, Wisdom and Truth...... When my Gram passed, so much happened on a major spiritual level. With it, I was in a state of almost suspended sureality and in constant deja vu for almost 3 days. There were several times she slipped into non-responsive states and I almost felt selfish to think it was about me, or shared with me for that matter. Yet, even my father said..."That was FOR you Melissa. Who else would she share it with?" My Gramps (who has been passed for 2 years) was in that room several times -- so strongly that the RN's asked who was wearing old spice/aftershave, as it drifted down the hall. Several times..Grams re-awakened -- ONLY to me... Several times, I watched her spirit go half out of her body during her 8 day stay and I could literally FEEL the physical resistance to her Spiritual transition between worlds. At one point, my Gramps by her side and mine on one side and my Dad with his wife and her son on the other --- We ALL felt it and smelled their Spirit Presences....And in the end..I was the ONLY one she recognized, as she reached up in sweeping motions and told us all goodbye. Shortly after, she again fell non-responsive. Until I'd whisper to her, then she'd come back to us. Although it sounds "Ego-ish," I almost felt as if my adding light to her was keeping her here, so I left for a day hoping she would find her way "Home" to my Grandfather. The 6th day, after falling non-responsive since I had been there last, she opened her eyes the second I walked into the room and motioned me to her. Arms up, reaching out to hug me with every ounce of energy she could muster, she put her hands on the sides of my face...and kissed my mouth for what seemed like forever and while she did...I felt like my life force was being sucked out of me --- no shit -- then replaced somehow with hers. As this occurred, I was given her "sight," my eyes changed color permanently to hers (silver/blue/gray) and random silver-gray eyebrows appeared (only a few) as well as strands of hair. After that kiss...she told me that all I saw was True (meaning my remote viewing and mediumship) -- especially when channelling: "Well..." she said...."This place (her heaven)....is seas of seas of memories upon memoires upon memories in golden light...stones like crystals where all of our memories go into this sea. It is how we "remember" each other when we pass on. If we forget...we do not know. If we remember...we see all we lost..all we loved..family....Grandpa...Dad...family...Grandpa (repeating with conviction) all my friends and brothers and sisters ---- Here....In seas, our memories are what makes the Unconscious Universal Mind, all thoughts, all memories......" That was the LAST thing my Grandmother spoke to me and she came BACK from that place to confirm to ME that what I see/feel/hear and work with is not only real...but TRUTH. That was the point my dad said..."This was for you Melissa." However, I repeated what she said out loud, to the room, as she told it. Not only because she whispered it, but no one else could understand what she was saying but me. Her eyes were the size of saucers as she spoke and all were watching us, as I repeated what she said. It was so intense that my brother had to leave the room. Finally, she went into another non-responsive state after kissing me again and I bawled. After that, she didnt come back to us. The final time I went back to hospice was August 17th. I had called dad to tell him I was on the way. He told ME to hurry up and told HER I was coming... According to my father, her breathing changed while they waited for me. When I arrived, I walked into a room full of spirits -- her WHOLE family passed (even my great grandparents) and Grandfather. ....Dad was stroking her hair, as I walked over and took her hand and we both told her it was ok to go and how much we love her. The FINAL thing I said to her...was also her final breath after I said it: ...."Gramma...You do realize that today is 2 years, 1 month to the day that Grampa died, right?...You know he's here...Please tell him we love and miss him.....Happy Anniversary" and she exhaled for the last time, tears in eyes, slight smile (not normal according to the RN's.) I looked at my Dad and said.."She's here...just not in her body..." -- Looked at the clock 7:36pm and knew that what my Grandmother had given me was MORE than faith in myself, abilities and in the Universe than I was ever entitled to know or deserved. And THAT is what happened.


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