
* Developing Your Higher Self *

Courses on
Tarot, Runes
&Psychic Self

Developing Your Psychic Skills: For Beginners

Pay Per Class $ 15.00

Pay Per 4 Week Course $ 50.00

Fine Tuning Your Psychic Awareness & Abilities: Advanced Classes (for those who need help focusing and guidance)

Pay Per Session $15.00

Learning Tarot Cards:

Pay Per Session $ 15.00

The Entire 6 Week Course: 100.00

The Major Arcana - 2 Week Course: $ 40.00

The Minor Arcana - 4 Week Course: $ 60.00

Learning Runes:

Pay per Session $15.00

Entire 5 Week Course: $75.00

Tarot Card Classes may run 1 day a week for an hour: contingient upon class size and Time difference -- (Evenings or Mornings) equaling a 6 week course.

Tarot Classes may also run 2 days a week for an hour each: also contingient upon class size and Time Difference equaling a 3 week course. Class fees are still the same regardless of meeting once or twice a week.

Learning to read Runes Classes may also run 2 or 3 days a week: contingient upon class size, time differences and availability.

Please Send Me an E-Mail to find out more!
Thank You,


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