The Family Getaway!

We spent our Labor Day weekend 'roughing it' in the mountains of Hot Springs, Arkansas. We camped out at Lake Ouachita National Park for 3 days and 2 nights. It was the first time any of us had camped out (well I had camped out before at Camp Lake Sharon in Denton, Texas back in the summer of 1991 and 1992). It wasn't as bad as I thought! The only thing we complained about was the heat. It was very hot, but we managed to cool off in the waters of Lake Ouachita.
Here's one of the many beautifuls views of Lake Ouachita National Park.
Click on a thumbnail to view a larger picture.

After we packed up the gear and left Lake Ouachita, we stopped in Hot Springs and took a tour of one of their glamorous bath houses. We also took a trolley bus to the top of the scenic overlook. This is a beautiful sight.

Here are some pictures of our Hot Springs adventure. Click on the thumbnail to view a larger picture.

Meet Our Bigger Family! Always! Family Y2K1

February 17, 2001
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