"Don't fool with Mother Nature."

HTML Basics

For Starters...

What is HTML?
HTML is a programming language used on the internet for creating webpages and websites. It is basically the way the computers talk to each other. HTML stands for Hyper-Text Markup Language.

What are tags?
Tags are the text or abbrevation inside a pair of symbols that represents a certain value to the computer or program reading it. For example: <html> is the very first tag you put in a webpage. This tells hte internet and the computer reading it that the page they are reading is in the HTML language, it is an HTML page. There are both opening and closing tags for each "statement" (I don't know if that term is really used in HTML but it seems to make sense doesn't it? and opeing tag would be something like this: <html> at te top of the page, before anything else on the page, and then </html> would be at the end of the page, after everything else on the page. This symbol: / represents the closing or ending of a tag. So you open your html page with <html> and then you insert all of your other stuff like the head, title, body, and other tags, and then you close them all in the same order in which you opened them, then finally you would close the html tag by simply typing in </html>.

In Conclusion...
Ok, well you've pretty much gotten an idea of what HTML is, now let's move on to the next tutorial on creating your own page.

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