Ben's Writing
newest article added on July 21, 2004
    Well, I have decided to have a little place on the net wherein I can express ideas that come into my head and cry out to be heard, as well as allow my friends a place for their writing to be seen.  As we write articles, they will be placed here for others' viewing.  These articles are meant to be thought-provoking, and if you would like to respond to one of the articles, please use the message board.  I do welcome other writers to post material.  I will review it, and, if selected, your article will appear on this page. 

     Feel free to write me at
[email protected] if you would like to submit an article.  I hope to build a community here wherein people can learn from each other and grow together into ethical, thinking human beings.
Ben's Message
Ben's Links
Click on the pointing hand to view articles.
12. "Who Made God?" by: Ben Cartwright 7/21/04
Philosophy/Religion:  Explores the age-old question of "Who Made God?" and other philosophical musings.
11. "A Bible Study on Genesis 1" by: Ben Cartwright 10/14/01
Religion:  This article takes a good, hard look at Genesis chapter one, the first book of the Bible, in hopes of seeing why people see it as "scientifically accurate".
10. "Confessions of a Non-Christian" by: Ben Cartwright 8/6/01
Religion/Humor:  A very short article about the use of the phrase "non-Christian".
9. "Why Teaching Creationism Violates the Constitution" by: Ben Cartwright 4/28/01
Religion/Politics:  Explains why the teaching of creationism violates the Establishment Clause, and how creationists have blurred the relevant issues.
8. "Why It's Easy to Believe in God" by: Ben Cartwright 4/16/2001
Religion:  Offers a possibility for why a belief in God is a natural extension of making the transition from child to adult.
7. God's "Love" by: Ben Cartwright 3/26/2001
Religion:  Explains why the phrase "God loves you" can't possibly be true.
6. "The Evolution of Christianity" by: Ben Cartwright 2/16/2001
Religion:  Where things like animal sacrifice have their roots.  Examines the idea that religions must change or die.
5. "Why Analogies Don't Prove Squat" by: Ben Cartwright 2/4/2001
Logic:  Discusses the proper use of analogies in arguments.
4. "Do You Honestly Expect Me to Believe..." by: Ben Cartwright 2/4/2001
Religion:  A short list of Christian assumptions which don't make sense.
3. "Why There's No Such Thing as Hell" by: Ben Cartwright 2/1/2001
Religion:  Why God cannot be considered "just" if hell exists.
2. "Creation" vs. "Evolution" by: Ben Cartwright 1/31/2001
Religion:  Explains how creationists have redefined the words "creation" and "evolution" to match their own skewed assumptions about the world.
1. "Original Sin & Children Going to Hell" by: Ben Cartwright 1/30/2001
Religion:  Why the Bible's teaching that we are born sinful means that all children must go to hell.
Ben's Message
Ben's Links
Click on the pointing hand below to view articles written by others.
Ben Cartwright is not responsible for the views of other authors!
9. "Why I Reject God" by: Nathan  6/1/2003
Religion:  Originally written when the author was 17, this article expresses doubts about many of the claims of Christianity.
8. "Why I Am No Longer An Evangelical" by: Karl  7/01/2001
Religion:  A Christian expresses some reasons why he is not a fundamentalist, and does not accept the infallibility of the Bible.
*visit Karl's web site here.
7. "Video Games and Life" by: Joe Bill  4/11/01
Religion/Philosophy:  Examines the idea that religion and video games may carry a similar appeal.
*see more of Joe Bill's writing here.
6. "Ignorance is Strength" by: Ian   3/19/01
Religion:  A compelling comparison of creationism to Orwell's 1984.
5. "The Religious Mind" by: Basil  3/2/2001
Religion/Biology:  Are religions a product of evolution?
4. "God's Answering Machine" by: Joe Bill  2/17/2001
Humor:  What God's answering machine might sound like.
*see more of Joe Bill's writing here.
3. "The Bible:  Just the Facts" by: Johnnie   2/4/2001
Religion: Information on the making of the Bible.
2. "Will There Be Any Chocolate in Heaven?" by: Johnnie   2/3/2001
Religion: What heaven and hell might be like.
1. "Psychobiology" by: Amanda   2/3/2001
Biology: Some brief thoughts on similarities between men and apes.
Something here tick you off?  Or maybe you agree?  Go to the new message board and let the world know!

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visitors since February 14, 2001
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