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Playstation 2
Final Fantasy X is one of my favourites out of the series (because it was the first one I played). The graphics are brilliant, the characters are well designed, theres hours of gameplay and humour. Where does it go wrong. You can buy it on platinium now so its worth a try. BUY IT!!.
FFX-2 is the second Final Fantasy game on the Playstation 2. This is the follow up to FFX and carries on the story but now  you control Yuna with her two sidekicks Rikku and Paine. This follow up is a disappointment as the story is the same all the way through and its basically the same as FFX but apart from that its addictive and is worth buying (only if your a Final Fantasy fan and you've played FFX).
Grandia 2 is the follow up to Grandia on the PSone. The game itself is good and the character designs based on anime is great but the gameplay is repetative and the graphics are annoying. The battle system is new and works well. Worth buying for about �15.
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Grandia 2
Kingdom Hearts
This page is on RPG reviews for Playstation 2, Playstation, Gamecube and GBA. If you wish to send a RPG review send me a E-Mail with a full review, picture and score of your RPG to [email protected] and I will put it on my website. Thank You!
This is my favourite RPG on the Playstation 2 and any other console. Kingdome Hearts has a mixture of great characters, great story and a brilliant battle system that isn't repetative the only reason that it isn't more famous then Final Fantasy X is beceuse people think that if Disney characters are in it then they will think it will be childish but it isn't, the disney characters work well with the game.The other reason why it is so good is because it has all the best Final Fantasy characters mixed into it.vourite
Wild Arms 3
Wild arms 3 is the first Wild arms game on the Playsation 2. It was a bit of a disappointment at first as the other two games were brilliant  but as you get further on the game gets better because you can ride horses in battle or swim the sand dunes on a sand machien while you battle. The anime on it is what made me buy it but when I played on the game the battle system was repetative and the graphics where glitchy. Get it only if you're a Wild Arms fan.
Disgaea is a a game among games what it lacks in graphics it makes up for it in humor and gameplay. The story is about Lahral the prince of the Neverworld and his father who died while Laharl was in a slumber, so now Laharl must fight to gain the throne his father lost. With humorous squences and great anime style characters this is a must buy for RPG and anime fans.
Disgaea : Hour of Darkness
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Star Ocean 3 : Till The End Of Time
Well, as my scores and thoughts put it, all in all, this games is top notch and a worth while additon to any RPG players video game library and is quite a masterpiece of a game for anyone to enjoy and I personally reccomend this game to anyone seeking a challenge and a fun game to play.
Reviewd by Kyle Payne aka CrzyKyle
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