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Anime Reviews from Akira to Yu Gi Oh all reviewed by me and my website viewers. I f you wish to do a anime review I will place it on my website. Send a picture, full review and score of your anime to       [email protected]
Akira was really the first famous anime in England. Its a good anime with good gore in it but the story is confusing and the animation is annoying (looks like the iron giant).Apart from that the story is good with some freaky scenes. �10.00ngland
Cardcaptors was the second anime I watched and it was really good. Cardcaptors is a story about a girl (Sukura) who discovers the book of clow cards and scatters the cards all over and she must find the all with the help of the guardian beast Kero.The animation is brilliant and the characters are well designed. The episodes are well thought out and with a mixture of action and humour its worth buying. �1.00(poundland York)
Dragonball, Dragonball z and Dragonball GT
The series of Dragonball is proberly the most famous and well known around the world (Thanks to Dragonball Z) its about a boy called Goku who grows up and gets more powerful thanks to his friends, he is a saiyan warrior and must protect the world from evil and also protect the Dragonballs.The first series of dragonball was good I've only started watching it but I've read the comics. Its funny and full of action 8/10. Dragonball Z is the best out of all of them as the animation and fight scenes are extreme 9.5/10. Dragonball Gt was just a cheap spin off but it was good but had minimum action 7/10.
Escaflowne is one of a few animes that I actually watched on fox kids and enjoyed. An ordinary girl, Hitomi finds herself suddenly transported to the mysterious planet Gaea, where Earth hangs in the night sky. The story is full of action with armour suits and dangerous dragons. Also its from the creators of Macross Plus! Box set �22.00 (ALL EPISODES)
Evangelion is a famous and successful anime in Japan and England. The years is 2015 and the human race is cowering in subterranean cities as a war between the Angles and Nerv takes place. The evangelions is a special team piloted by a team of young warriors to save mankind. Evangelion is a great anime with action and humour mixed together.
Cowboy Bebop
Cowboy Bebop is one of my favourite animes. The story is about bounty hunters who are pretty poor and will take on any task to get the reward no matter the cost. The main character is Spike who is a calm and laidback type of person. The story changes as more characters come and go like Edward and the adventures they have are exciting. This anime is great with good characters, good battles and a brilliant story.
Bubu Chacha
Bubu chacha is a good anime but certain people will not like it. Its about a boy and his dog Chacha who turned into a toy car when he died and they go on adventures. The animation is realy good on this and the music is relaxing but it is mainly for children and the second series is badly dubbed but apart from that its worth watching.
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