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Why it was made:This movie was created for a school project.
Who made it: My brother animated it and directed it. I edited it and added comic relief to the script.
Plot: The story is the last act of Shakespeare's Macbeth. So far in the story, the main character has murdered and assassinated his way to the throne after hearing from three witches that he would some day be king. Once he is on the throne, he visits the three witches again who tell him three things concerning his death, two of which are that he will be killed when the forest of Birnam begins to march upon Dunsinane Castle, and that he can only be killed by someone who was not born of a woman. After hearing this Macbeth is feeling pretty fine, convinced that he can never die. He doesn't even care that his wife has gone mad or that his enemy Malcolm and his army are approaching the castle...
Ferder's Files
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