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St. Anthony Indian School
Grade 4 2004-2005
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Pictures from Zuni (page 2)
Come on in!  Welcome to our apartment!
And, on your left is our living room.  If you were to look out the window, you would be looking into the school parking lot.
Turn your head and you can see the left side of our living room...
Back out into the hallway, and on your right is our kitchen.  It's a gas stove (I had to learn how to work it!)  Our refrigerator looks just like it did in California.  And yes, that's our kitchen table that our neighbor William helped us put together for the first time in California.
Turn your head, and you can see the right side of our kitchen... the card on the window sill is from our friends Richard, Pascale, Tammy, William, and Bryce... our old neighbors in California.
Click here to continue on with the tour!
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