(or, why the heck I write the way I do!)
Gundam Wing
+ The Great Trowa Rape Debate - advice from a flame-war veteran
+  The Yaoi World of Gundam Wing - a look at the female role in a yaoi fandom
+  The Nature (and Origin) of the Zero System - reflections on this killer-machine
+ The Use of Japanese in Gundam Wing Fanfiction - should writers flex their lingual muscles?
+ Quatre's Uchuu no Kokoro - how can it be further (and properly) used in fanfiction?

Coming Soon:
       + Cathrine, or, "You sicko! They're Siblings!" - why 3xC should be more accepted by GW fans
       + How Gundam Wing Tainted my Soul... - a personal sketch
Harry Potter
+ Hermione Granger and Rita Skeeter - does it all come back to H/Hr?

Coming Soon:
       + Will the Real Viktor Krum please stand up? - a character analysis
       + What the R/Hr means by "keeping balance" - a Shipping essay
        + My Preferred Pairings - Which pairings I tend to SHIP in Fanon & Canon
        + Martin Guerre Musical: What's the Deal With These Characters? - character sketches
+ Let's Hear it for the (Meeker) Boys! - a defense of Marius Pontmercy & Ashley Wilkes
+ How TV Social Commentary Can Go Bad - examining the ER "racial profiling" episode
        +Who Will Be Trickster's Queen? - predicting which sister will inherit the raka throne
+ Puerto Rican Independence? - yeah--my sole political essay
+ Religion: Persecution - exploring a Protestant's anti-Catholic slurs in online discussion

+ Queer as Folk: Season Three - the political overtones of the season, and why it irked me
Got an opinion?  Share!

More essays will come soon... as well as the ones that are listed here but not yet linked.
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