Third Quarter 2019 Meeting -- Lair No. 3

On October 5, 2019, Lair No. 3 of the RR&R gathered at the Doylestown Maennerchor Society for its annual Research Reports meeting. Michael Moscherosch discussed outdoor bread oven design. Jim Barr gave details on a turtle visiting his house. Doug Nolan talked about bonsai cultivation. Ray Hull II presented an array of tree parts curiously deformed. Dan Morrison proposed changing the Pennsylvania state flag. And Ray Hull III discussed UFOs and aliens.

Among those present at this meeting were:

  1. Jim Barr
  2. Ray Hull II
  3. Ray Hull III
  4. Michael Landis
  5. Jim McGinnis
  6. Sean McVan
  7. Calvin Morrison
  8. Dan Morrison
  9. Leon Moscherosch
  10. Michael Moscherosch
  11. Doug Nolan

A bunch of Rascals

Hard at work

Ray Hull III discusses UFOs

Ray Hull II and a twisted trunk

Jim Barr talks about a turtle visitor


Michael Moscherosch describes outdoor bread ovens

Meetings of Lair No. 3
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