People of Tetbury in 1735

Wollary, Woolery, Wood, Woodman, Woodruf, Woodruff,
Woodward, Wooks, Wookes, Workman, Wren,

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All dates are converted to new style (year starting on Jan 1st) and shown as year - month - day.

Wollary, Woolery

The Hearth Tax - 1660-1675
A charge on the number of stoves, hearths in each home
E 179 247/16 March 1664 Tetbury Joan Wolsteed 2 hearths Ladyday Chargeable
E 179 247/14 Oct 1671 Tetbury William Wooland 1 hearths Page 1

In Tetbury Records, before Dec 31, 1735.
D 566 B 19 The Tetbury Survey 6 May 1698 copied 1718 Page 03, Ursula Woollen house owned by Jeremiah Watts
D 566 B 2/12/1 23-Nov 1717 Parson Woollery attended Court Leet dinner at the 3 Cups
D 566 B 19 The Tetbury Survey 6 May 1698 copied 1718
Page 06, Thomas Woollery dwelling 15-0-0
Page 14, Thomas Woollery for George Inn 30-0-0

Bigland recorded
On Joshua Thorp's tomb,
Thomas Wollery departed this life
on Jany 6, 1700.

Note the date on the Memorial uses the old style, where 1701 begins on 26 March.
Rebecca, daughter of Thomas, married Joshua Thorp, and died Aug 21, 1774 aged 77.

Elizabeth Wolling was buried 17250904.
Thomas Woolery was buried 17010106.
Mrs Jane Wollary, Widow, was buried 17300518.
Thomas Woolery was buried 17010106.

Parson Woollery was in the group of 44 who attended the Court Leet dinner at the 3 Cups on 23-Nov 1717


Men of 1608 - Henry Wood, Medium, Weaver, 20y
Hanna Wood wed John Smith 21 Apr 1679
Mary Wood wed Henery Speck 29 Sept 1689
Joseph Wood of Avening wed Grace Bartlet 23 June 1706

Mr John Wood of Dufton, baptised his daughter Katherin 17301203.

At Tetbury, In Records, reference P328a OV 2/2, 1749-59
Listing by streets is a new feature. Rate set at 4/- in the Pound 1754,
72 Church Street Upwards, Mr Wood 36-0-0 or occupier

In Tetbury Trustee or Town Records, after 1735.
D 566 B 2/6 29-Sep 1778 William Wood one of the Thirteen, was absent for signing the annual report

Bigland recorded
In the North Cloister, on the East wall, North side,
William Wood died June 25, 1799, Aged 72
Hannah, his wife, died May 7th, 1787 Aged 55
Sarah Wood died Nov 23, 1832, Aged 65.
William Wood died Nov 2, 1827, Aged 73
William Wood died Oct 2, 1834, Aged 51
On the South Wall
Sacred to the memory of Jacob Wood, Esqr
who departed this life, Decr 31st, 1849, Aged 65.


Abigail Woodman wed John Allexander 27 Apr 1690

At Tetbury 1735-6, ages to Dec 31, 1735.
Samuel 41 and his wife 36
Not in Census Samuel 14, son of Samuel

Court Leet Roll - Samuel p5

Census at Tetbury, 1735-6.
Woodman Samuel House 7.13 &w ba2
He 1694- Wife 1699-

Mary Woodman married 17280131 to Henry Lawrence and was buried 17280810.

Samuel Woodman 1692 - 17390219, baptised Samuel 17210831, buried his daughter Mary 17301217, and Child 17390220.

Woodruf, Woodruff

Men of 1608 - Silvester Woodruf, Short, Weaver, 40y, of Charlton
Sarah Woodroofe wed John Richards 22 Jul 1635

In Tetbury Trustee or Town Records, after 1735.
P 328a OV 3/1/2 06-May 1744 William Woodroffe had a Settlement Certificate

Arthar Woodruf, of Westonbirt, married on 17320418 to Rebeccah Wallis.
James Woodruff baptised his daughter Jane 16991226.

William Woodroffe and wife Mary Mary had a Settlement Certificate with the Overseers of Thornbury in Gloucestershire, reference P 328a OV 3/1/2 dated 06-May 1744


Jonathan Woodward, a soldier of Bristol, married on 17410413 to Elizabeth Young and baptised his son Richard 17431009.

In Records, reference P328a OV 2/1, 1743-9
Page 455, 21-Sep 1747 Elizabeth Woodward taking her to the Justices at Worcester
expensive trip,
Order 2/6, Warrant 6d, expenses at Cirencester 2/-, expenses carrying her to Cirencester 1-0-1, Paid Shadrack Price horsehire 11/-, Paid Mr Mayell horsehire 7/-, Paid Humphry Warper to go to Worcester 3/-,
Paid Henry Plummer going to Worcester to deliver her to Justices at St Martin's 7/6

In Tetbury Trustee or Town Records, after 1735.
D 566 M5 - 1762 507 members of the Court Leet Page 1.2 Jacob Woodward

Jacob Woodward baptised his daughter Anne 17700105.
Richard Woodward, of Upton, baptised Sarah 17651020 - 17651125, and Richard 17670322.


Richard Woodward left a Will in 1834, reference 1834/134
Jacob Woodward left a Will in 1843, reference 1843/204
John Woodward left a Will in 1843, reference 1843/205
Ann Woodward left a Will in 1843, reference 1843/206

Wooks, Wookes

John Wookes was buried 17240312.
William Wooks buried his Child 17111218.


Margaret Workman wed John Arrowsmith 21 Oct 1660

Richard Workman, a Traveller, baptised Mary 17370301.


The Hearth Tax - 1660-1675
A charge on the number of stoves, hearths in each home
E 179 247/13 Oct 1672 Tetbury Henry Wrenn 1 Poor Discharge Certificate

Edmund Wren married on 17170227 to Sarah Bizzy

Martha Wren left a Will in 1857, reference 1857/216

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