Underhill and Usher of Tetbury, 1735

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All dates are converted to new style (year starting on Jan 1st) and shown as year - month - day.


Mary Underhill wed John Whit 6 Jan 1684
Mary Underhill wed John Hayard 25 Dec 1687
Margaret Underhill wed Abraham Messiter 8 June 1701
Alce Underhill wed William Chapell 26 Oct 1701

1648 - John Undrill was Churchwarden
1654 - John Undrill was Bailif till 1657
1666 - John Undrill was Churchwarden

From the Registers
chr=Christening, mar=Marriage and bur=Burial
Underhill Ann 17170728 chr dau Mary base
Undrill Ann 17170816 bur dau Mary basechild
Underhill Anne 17180102 mar Arthur Clark
Underhill Anne 17480703 mar Jonathan Brown
Underhill Edward 17090313 bur
Underhill Elizabeth 17420308 bur
Undril Gabrill 17051011 bur
Underhill Gabrill 17130103 bur
Underhill Grace 17321029 mar Richard Adey
Underhill Hercules 16990309 chr child
Underhill Hercules 17001009 chr dau Margaret
Underhill Hercules 17030620 chr dau Grace
Underhill Hercules 17291130 chr dau Hester
Underell Jane 17280909 bur Widow
Underhill John 17140726 bur
Underhill Margaret 17100319 bur Widow
Underhill Nicholas 17150902 bur
Underhill Samuel 17420927 chr son John
Underhill Samuel 17440226 chr dau Hester
Underhill Samuel 17461026 chr son Samuel
Underhill Samuel 17481211 chr dau Mary
Underhill Samuel 17510331 chr son Francis
Underhill Samuel 17530723 chr son James
Underhill Samuel 17550902 chr dau Sarah
Underhill Samuel 17580827 chr dau Jane
Underhill Samuel 17600817 chr son Joseph
Underhill Samuel 17610329 bur dau Jane
Underhill Samuel 17610404 bur dau Hester pox
Underhill Samuel 17630306 bur son Francis
Underhill Samuel 17630807 bur dau Mary
Underhill Samuel 17690122 chr son John Jun
Underhill William 16990427 chr son Thomas base
Underhil William 17021114 bur wife
Underhill William 17060629 bur

Will of John Undrill 1679/71

Will signed on 8 Aug 1678
Will is long, with many clauses giving items to three generation, as the previous person dies
Names son Gabriell and his wife Jane, daughter Mary Teakle, son John
Son William is to have the house Francis Kilmister now lives in
Gabriell is chief beneficiary and sole executor

The Hearth Tax - 1660-1675
A charge on the number of stoves, hearths in each home
E 178 116/534 Oct 1660 Tetbury John Undrill Collector of Tax
E 179 247/16 March 1664 Tetbury Gabrielle Underhill Ladyday Not Chargeable
E 179 247/14 Oct 1671 Tetbury John Underhill 4 hearths Page 1
E 179 247/14 Oct 1671 Tetbury William Underhill 2 hearths Page 1
E 179 247/13 Oct 1672 Tetbury John Underhill 1 hearths Little Silver Street
E 178 116/534 Oct 1673 Tetbury John Undrill Collector of Tax year 12 of reign

In 1704 ?Archibald? Underhill was wealthy enough to pay a fine of 5/- for being drunk and 2/- for swearing, part of a group of 11 men providing the Churchwardens with 4-2-0 which was given to 71 poor people, most getting 1/- (Page 252, Churchwardens Record Book, P328/1 CW 2/14)

In Tetbury Records, before Dec 31, 1735.
P328a OV 4/1 22-Nov 1686 William Undrill served as Apprentice to John Barrow
D 566 B 2/2 05-Oct 1703 Bartholomew Underhill sold a standing for 16-0
D 566 B 33 28-Oct 1713 Hercules Underhill in the weekly list of market stall holders

D 566 B 19 The Tetbury Survey 6 May 1698 copied 1718
Page 02, William Underhill Chief rent
Page 05, Gabriel Underhill house 5-0-0
Page 08, Gabriel Underhill rent
Page 10, William Underhill Chief rent 1-6-0
Page 14, Edward Underhill for Red Lion 15-0-0
Page 16, Dufton, Gabriel Underhill grounds now with Gilbert Gastrell farm
Page 18, Charlton, Edward Underhill 22-0-0 for land

D 566 R 1/6 Madam Hodges Charity of 10 pound for the Poor
23-Apr 1725 Archibald Underhill widow received 5/-
24-Dec 1726 Elizabeth Underhill widow received 2/6

At Tetbury 1735-6, ages to Dec 31, 1735.
Not in Census Hercules 38, his wife Elizabeth 35, children Samuel 10, Anne 7, Hester 6
John, Margaret 30,

In Tetbury Trustee or Town Records, after 1735.
D 566 M4 1746 417 members of the Court Leet Page 3 John Underhill
D 566 M4 - 1754 439 members of the Court Leet Page 1.2 John Underhill, Page 7.1 Samuel Underhill
D 566 M5 - 1762 507 members of the Court Leet Page 4.2 Samuel Underhill
D 566 R 1/7 Langstom and Maltby Charity, at Christmas
Dec 1767 Samuel Underhill received 6d
Dec 1773 Samuel Underhill received 6d

In Overseers Records, P328a OV 2/1, 1736-49
13-Dec 1741, Page 3 Widow Underhill 06-00
12-Mar 1743 (Old date), Page 182 Samuel Underhill wife given 01-00
12-Mar 1743 (Old date), Page 182 Samuel Underhill wife's laying in cost 04-06

In Overseers Records, reference P328a OV 2/2, 1749-59
On 23 Jan 1758 Samuel Underhill family received 9/6 he being ill
On 20 Mar 1758 Samuel Underhill family received 1/6 his leg being hurt
On 18 Sep 1758 Samuel Underhill wife delivered of a child 2/6

Bigland recorded
On a Headstone
Sarah, Daughter of Sarah and Samuel Underhill,
who died 28 July 1779, aged 24 years.

Ann Underhill 1695 - 17210820 baptised her baseborn daughter Mary 17170728 who lived 19 days, and married 17180102 to Arthur Clark

Anne Underhill married 17480703 to Jonathan Brown

Edward Underhill was buried 17090313
Elizabeth Underhill was buried 17420308

Will of John Jones 1733/92

Will was signed with his mark 24 Feb 1732 and Proved 19 May 1733
John Jones of Lowfield, Yeoman of Tetbury, made a long list of bequests
I give to Jane Underlin of Escourt 5 pounds to be paid when she comes of age
To Samuel and Elizabeth Underlin now dwelling with me 5 pounds each when they come of age
To Sarah Underlin now dwelling with me 20 pounds
To Ann Underlin 10 pound to be paid when she is free of her Prenticeship
To Mary Underlin in Nailsworth 5 pound

Gabrill Underhill was buried 17051011 and his son was buried 17130103.
Grace Underhill 17030620, daughter of Hercules, married 17321029 to Richard Adey
Hercules Underhill 16680920, son of Gabriel, baptised Child 16990309 lived 4 weeks, Margaret 17001009 - 17100319 aged 9, Grace 17030620 and buried John 17140726

Hercules Underhill baptised Hester 17291130.
Jane Underhill, widow was buried 17280909.

Joseph Underhill married 17840412 to Elizabeth Elliott and baptised John 17860402 and Joseph 17960617 - 18071226.

Margaret Underhill, Widow, was buried 17100319.
Margaret Underhill 17001009 - 17751110 aged 75, married 17470722 to Abraham Sharp.
Nicholas Underhill was buried 17150902.

Samuel Underhill 1725 - 17750716 and Sarah 1725 - 17810204, baptised John 17420930, Hester 17440226 - 17610404 aged 17 Smallpox, Samuel 17461026, Mary 17481211 - 17630807 aged 14, Francis 17510331 - 17630306 aged 12, James 17530729, Sarah 17550824 - 17790728 aged 24, Jane 17580827 - 17610329 aged 2 Smallpox, Joseph 17600817.

Samuel Underhill, 17461026 - son of Samuel, married 17680215 to Hannah Cull at Cam and baptised John 17690122, Jane 17711219, buried Samuel 17750716 and baptised Samuel 17770907.

William Undrill, a Poor child of Tetbury, Apprentice with Master John Barrow and his wife Anne to teach him the trade of Worsted comber reference P328a OV 4/1 dated 22-Nov 1686

William Underhill baptised his baseborn son Thomas 16990427, buried his wife 17021114 and was buried 17060629.


Mr Usher, of Trowbridge, buried his wife Sylvester on 17470314.

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