Savage of Tetbury in 1735

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All dates are converted to new style (year starting on Jan 1st) and shown as year - month - day.


Robert Savage wed Marie Bertt 14 June 1632
Mrs Mary Savage wed Anthony Ashfild 27 Sept 1649
Mrs Mary Savage wed Joseph Morwent 18 Jan 1651
Thomas Savage wed Elizabeth Hall 21 Feb 1662
Francis Savage wed Dorothy Sallway 27 Aug 1675
William Savage wed Mrs Hues 1 Jan 1684
Mrs Savage wed Mr Johnson 11 Jan 1696
Francis Savage wed Abigail Wicks 27 Dec 1705
Katherin Savage wed Nathaniel Body 13 June 1706
Mrs Elizabeth Savage wed Mr John King of Easton 1 July 1708

From the IGI, Charles may be the son of William baptised 9 Oct 1656, Mary baptised 26 Apr 1655, Ann on 21 Nov 1661 and Katherine on 22 Aug 1677

Will of Anthony Savage 1684/431

Will written on 23 Jun 1683, and is Proved on 9 Mar 1684
To kinsman Charles Savage - and makes him sole executor
To my kinswoman Elizabeth Oatridge
To Elizabeth wife of my late brother John Savage 40/-
To my cousin Mary Eldridge daughter of my brother William Savage 40 pounds
to her sister Ann 40 pounds, and to her sister Katherine 10 pounds

Will of Jane Savage 1687/76

Intestate Statement made on 5 Apr 1687 by Francis Savage

Will of William Savage 1689/109

Will written on 13 Apr 1689
To my brother Francis and sisters Elizabeth, Katherine and Jane
To Nathaniel Body
To John Bayly son of Ruth Bayly widow
To Daniel Davis, George Wicks
Remainder to sister Elizabeth and make her sole executrix

In 1683 the Feoffes were dominated by the Savage family, who held three of the seven positions, and continued their influence till Francis in 1738 was replaced

The Hearth Tax at Tetbury
A charge on the number of stoves, hearths in each home
Oct 1660 John Savage Collector of Tax
Oct 1671, Oct 1672 John Savage gent, 6 hearths West Street
1662 William Savage 8 hearths Only one fragment and 4 names survives
Oct 1671, Oct 1672 William Savage gent, 8 hearths West Street
Oct 1672 John Savage and William Savage Overseers, in charge of collection 120 are named On Overseers list
Hearth Tax families in nearby places
1671, 1672 Rodborow Parish John Savage 3 hearths

Meeting about Replacing the Church held 22 June 1729
Influential citizens held a meeting to consider what to do about the state of the old church attended by John Barrett, Henry Crowther, Daniel Evans, Richard Harding, John Johnson, Thomas Keen, John Phillips, John Purnell, Francis Savage, John Sloper, William Tomkinson, Barnard Wickes, Joseph Wickes, John Wight, Henry Wightwick
The matter went to Parliament who suggested repairs and on 10 Feb 1740 charged Thomas Estcourt, Richard Harding, Joseph Ralph, Charles Savage and William Savage with overseeing the work.
After spending money doing doubtful repairs, the Old Church was demolished and rebuilt to be opened in 1770

In Tetbury Records, before Dec 31, 1735.
D 566 M 16 Holdings in Tetbury, 1594 John Savage list appears to be of land holders
D 566 T 2/1 30-Aug 1653 John Savage and William Savage named as Feoffees, Deed relating to Ezekial King's house in Gumstool St
D 566 B 37 1685 Charles Savage and Francis Savage named on copy of Statement of the Liberties, Customs, Privileges and Favours of Tetbury
D 566 T 2/1 20-Oct 1690 Francis Savage, John Savage and William Savage named as Feoffee, Deed relating to John Richard's house in Gumstool St
D 566 L 3/2 24-Oct 1700 Charles Savage and Francis Savage surviving members of the Feoffees who were protested against
D 566 M 14 25-Jan 1711 Francis Savage signed, one of the Feoffees
D 566 M 24 10-Oct 1715 Charles Savage, Francis Savage Senior, Francis Savage Junior and William Savage attended Court Leet dinner at the 3 Cups
D 566 B 2/12/1 23-Nov 1717 Charles Savage, Mr Savage Senior, Mr Savage Junior and William Savage attended Court Leet dinner at the 3 Cups
D 566 B 19 The Tetbury Survey 6 May 1698 copied 1718
Page 09, Anthony Savage estate 15-0-0
Page 03, Charles Savage sold to Jeremiah Watts 8-0-0
Page 08, Francis Savage 12-0-0 for house and stable rented to William Vokins
Page 13, John Savage house 1-0-0
Page 03, John Savage rent owned by Jeremiah Watts
D 566 B 2/4 01-Apr 1718 Francis Savage Senior received 2-10-0 apprenticeship money for Frape's boy
D 566 B 37 12-Jun 1721 Francis Savage one of 13, agree to purchase Mayo's house in West St, for use of Schoolmaster
P328a OV 4/2 09-Apr 1724 John Savage served as Apprentice to Joshua Wilkins
D 566 B 24 April 1725 Charles Savage signed a petition to use money to build an extension to the Market House
D 566 R 1/6 23-Apr 1725 Thomas Savage received 5/- from Madam Hodges Charity of 10 pound for the Poor
D 566 B 24 April 1725 William Savage signed a petition to use money to build an extension to the Market House
D 566 B 34 13-Jan 1728 Charles Savage agreed to pay Trustees 10d per annum for sheep cubs and pig cubs
D 566 B 34 13-Jan 1728 Charles Savage signed as a member of the Thirteen
D 566 R 2/2 22-Jun 1729 Francis Savage voted for a brief to be started to rebuild Tetbury Church
D 566 L 7/8 24-Dec 1731 William Savage went as Apprentice to Abraham Mundy who received 2-10-0
D 566 Z 20 Voter list 1734 Charles Savage, John Savage column 2 and William Savage column 3
D 566 M3 1734 Trustees provided clothes for poor Apprentices made by Richard Hearding William Savage given clothes cost 2-7-4
D 566 M3 1734 Indentures cost 7/- for Apprentice William Savage with Abraham Munday

At Tetbury 1735-6, ages to Dec 31, 1735.
Charles 37, and his wife Elizabeth 38.
Francis 58, his wife Abigail 55, his five children Mary 33, Elizabeth 27, John 26, Eleanor 19 and Francis 10, and his two servants
Thomas 54, and his wife Mary 54.
William 44, his wife Sarah 41, a Servant and a Lodger.
Not in Census James 5, Mary 54, (Widow of Thomas), and her children John 26, Mary 24 and William 16

Court Leet Roll 1735 - John Gentleman Steward, William p11 Town Jury (Abs)

Ted Prince research for 1735
William Savage, Woolstapler,
bought some houses on the Green which he
later pulled down and built Barton Abbots on the site.
William Savage
Presented to Court Leet by Town Jury for laying dung in the
streets before his door. To be removed by 5th Nov on penalty of 5s
Presented to Court Leet by Town Jury for erecting posts
or rails before his door and in the streets or waste land.
To be removed by 5th Nov on penalty of �1

In 1739 Samuel Saunders and Francis Savage were the sole surviving feoffes. They 'made a new feoffment', acting it was said without the townspeople's consent, and replenishing their number with men who had promised support for their controversial proposal to sell the advowson'. VCH
Opponents began Chancery suit alleging misapplication of funds, etc. It was not settled until 1759, by which time Samuel Saunders was dead.
Saunders Samuel Gentleman Lord of the Manor was born 1671 and died 17461031 aged 75.
Savage Francis Gentleman Lord of the Manor was born 1715 and died 17691017 aged 54.

Census at Tetbury, 1735-6.
Savage Mr Charles House 10.04 &w sv1 ch3
He 1698-50Elizabeth 1697-45
Savage Mr ffrancisHouse 9.03&w 5cd sv2 ch9
He 1677-40 Abigail 1680-53
Mary 1702-52 Elizabeth 1708-77 John 1709-72
Eleanor 1716-63 Francis 1715-69
Savage Thomas House 6.18 &w ch2
He 1681- Mary 1681-63
Savage William House 20.01 &w sv1 lg1 ch4
He 1691-75 Sarah 1694-67

In Tetbury Trustee or Town Records, after 1735.
D 566 Z 20 column 3, about 1736 Charles Savage, Francis Savage, John Savage and William Savage in a list supporting the Tetbury annual Races
D 566 R 13 24-May 1740 John Savage, Nathaniel Savage and William Savage a trustee in agreement to build extension to Market House
D 566 R 13 about 1745 John Savage promised 2-2-0 Subscription for a new Engine for ye use in Tetbury
D 566 M4 1746 Gentleman Steward John Savage
D 566 M4 1746 Town Jury charges John Savage for laying stone, tiles and rubbish in the street, remove by Nov 5 or pay 5/-
D 566 M4 1746 Foreign Jury William Savage with erecting a gate in North Hayes, To be removed by 5 Nov, or pay penalty of 24-5-0
D 566 M4 1746 Town Jury William Savage for erecting posts or rails before their respective doors To be removed by 5 Nov, or pay penalty of 1-0-0

D 566 M4 1746 417 members of the Court Leet Page 6 Charles Savage, Page 12 Francis Savage, Page 7 John Savage Tiler
D 566 R 1/22 26-Dec 1749 John Savage Tyler, received 1/- of the annual Langstrom and Maltby Charity money
P 328a OV 3/1/2 01-Mar 1752 William Savage wife Anne, of Avening
D 566 M4 1754 Gentleman Steward John Savage
D 566 M4 - 1754 439 members of the Court Leet Page 1.1 Francis Savage, Page 4.2 James Savage, Page 5.2 John Savage the Tyler, Page 5.2 John Savage the Younger
D 566 M4 - 1754 Town Jury charges William Savage for not keeping the pitching before the house in possession of Henry Welling
D 566 M4 - 1754 Town Jury charges William Savage for erecting posts or rails before their respective doors To be removed by 5 Nov, or pay penalty of 1-0-0
D 566 R 2/2 04-Apr 1754 James Savage paid 2/6, attended second meeting of Society to raise money to build new church
D 566 M5 - 1755 Town Jury charges William Savage for erecting posts or rails Remove by Nov 5 or pay 20/-

D 566 M5 - 1762 507 members of the Court Leet Page 1.1 Francis Savage, Page 7.1 James Savage, John Savage Younger Tyler, Page 3.1 John Savage Tyler
D 566 R 1/7 28-Apr 1767 Francis Savage Page 1c, and John Savage Page 1b, signed at a Vestry compaining about too many cattle in the Warren
D 566 R 1/7 Dec 1767 John Savage Senior, received 6d at Christmas inside Column 1, Langstom and Maltby Charity,
D 566 R 1/7 Dec 1767 John Savage received 6d at Christmas inside Column 4, Langstom and Maltby Charity,
D 566 R 1/7 28-Apr 1767 William Savage Page 1b, signed at a Vestry compaining about too many cattle in the Warren
P328a OV 3/2/1 16-Mar 1772 William Savage Anne and son
D 566 R 1/7 Dec 1773 John Savage Junior, received 6d at Christmas inside Column 1, Langstom and Maltby Charity,

In Overseers Records, P328a OV 2/1, 1736-49
08-Mar 1741 (Old Date), Page 39 John Savage received one years rent Bartholomew Butler 2-00-00
Poor relief Ratepayer, 20 Jul 1742,
Page 51 John and Francis Savage 121-00-00
Page 52 Charles Savage 1-00-00
Page 54 William Savage 18-04-00
Page 56 Francis Savage 1-00-00
Overseers of the Poor in Tetbury 1742 appointed by Vestry for one year, Page 61 Francis Savage died during the year
11-Aug 1746, Page 346 Charles Savage and William Savage on Vestry to confirm Rate
29-Mar 1747(old date), Page 347 Charles Savage and William Savage on Vestry

Ratepayer of Tetbury Apr 1747, Page 421 Charles Savage
Page 421 John Savage
Page 422 John Savage Tyler
Page 424 Francis Savage
Page 425 William Savage

In Overseers Records, reference P328a OV 2/2, 1749-59
On 04-Mar 1754 Mary Savage given blanket cost 6/8
On 20-May 1754 Mary Savage received 4/- allowance each 4 weeks
Rate set at 4/- in the Pound, listing by streets is new in 1754
15 Chipping Lane Francis Savage 8-10-0 house and stock
84 Long Street, downwards John Savage 106-14-0
115 Long Street, downwards John Savage 1-0-0
38 Church Street Upwards William Savage 18-4-0 house and stock
Deficiencies in Rate 1754 John Savage 1-4-6 part vacant

On 06-Apr 1755 John Savage received 1-1-0 for Turstin's rent
On 23 Jan 1758 Mary Savage received 4/- allowance each 4 weeks
On 11 Dec 1758 Mary Savage received 4/- allowance each 4 weeks

Bigland recorded
On a Monument against the East Wall Arms - of Savage (See Gastrell)
Anna, wife of Gilbert Gastrell and
daughter of William Savage died 28 June 1695 aged 34
Johannis Savage died Decr 19, 1772 aged 63
Franciscus Savage Gent died Oct 17, 1769
Elizabetha Savage died Nov 14, 1777 aged 69
Eleanora Savage died Aug 6, 1763 aged 49
South aisle of Cloister
Hic jacet Franciscus Savage filius Gualteri Savage
de Broadway in Co Wigorm, Arm. qui obiit 2 Martii 1671 et
Maria Uxor ejus filia Edmundi Estcourt Gent, obiit 26 Aug 1645
In Old Church
John Savage, Gent, who died 4 Sept 1683
John Savage, Gent, decreased 28 May 1708
Mrs Jane Wickes, daughter of John Savage Gent,
who died 24 July 1725 (wife of George)
William Savage, son of John Savage, Gent,
who died 13 April 1689
Ann, wife of William Savage, Gent, who died 15 May 1687

Alice Savage of Cowley married 17620107 to John Boulton

Charles Savage 16980409 - 17500418 aged 52, son of Francis, buried his wife Elizabeth 1697 -17451228 aged 48 He married Ann Wight of Nympfield 17470714. She then married widower Thomas Oatridge 17590827, whose wife Martha was buried 17541112.

Dorothy Savage, Widow was buried 17250119

Francis Savage 16511219 - 17240410, Gent., son of John and Philippa Gifford, married 16750827 to Dorothy Allway (Mrs Dorathy Sallway) 1655 - 17250119.

Francis Savage 1677- 17400419 buried his wife 1680 - 17021018, the day after Mary was baptised 17021017 - 17520113 aged 49
He married Abigail 1680 - 17530317 and baptised Elizabeth 17080416 - 17771118 aged 68, John 17091209 - 17721219, Eleanor 17130914 - 17630810 aged 49 and Francis 17150428 - 17691028 aged 54, who each left Wills.

Will of Mary Savage 1752/34

Will made 5 Nov 1741 and Proved 26 Mar 1752
Being sick and feeble of body ... I appoint my brother John Savage my sole executor
I give to my sisters Mrs Elizabeth Savage and Mrs Elianor Savage, and my brother Mr ffrancis Savage each 100 pounds

Will of Abigail Savage 1756/41

Will written 9 Jan 1750 and Proved 15 Apr 1756
To my daughters Elizabeth and Eleanor, all my wearing apparel and 10 pounds apiece
To my daughter in law Mary Savage one pound to buy her a mourning ring
To my son Mr ffrancis Savage 20 pounds
To my grandson John Savage 50 pounds to be left in the hands of my daughter Elizabeth to hold it till he reaches age of 21, or to my son ffrancis if John should decease
Appoint my son John my sole executor

Will of Elianor Savage 1768/61

Elianor signed her name 3 June 1763 and her Will was Proved 13 Apr 1768
To my brother ffrancis and sister Elizabeth 100 pounds apiece
To my nephew John Savage 200 pounds when he reaches age of 25. Interest from this 200 pounds to be applied to his donation, maintenance and apparel till he reach 25 years
All my remaining goods to my brother John Savage and appoint him my sole executor

Hannah Savage, Widow was buried 17270111. She may be Widow Savage who buried her daughter Mary 17040324.

James Savage 1730-17900908 aged 60, baptised James 17641111-17970906 aged 32, John 17670531 - 17700825 3yrs, Theodore 17700403 lived 6 weeks and died 2 days after being baptised.

Will of James Savage 1790/124

Intestate Statement made 22 Sep 1790 by Jane Savage, that James Savage died 1 Sep 1790, an Innholder with an estate valued under 1000 pounds and over 600 pounds

John Savage, son of Thomas Savage of Tetbury, woolcomber, was Apprenticed to Joshua Wilkins of Tetbury, slatter, reference P328a OV 4/2 dated 9-Apr 1724

John Savage 17091209 - 17721231, son of Thomas died Gent aged 63, baptised Thomas 17350818 who lived 10 weeks and buried his wife Jane 1712 - 17380329. He married Elizabeth Ponting 17381226 and baptised John 17391004, Elizabeth 17450323, Mary 17470108 and Sarah 17500318.

John Savage the tyler 17391004 - son of John, baptised Mary 17650121, William 17660928 and buried John 17700727. John Junior was buried 17870806 and John Senior was buried 17880104.

John Savage and Rachel buried their daughter Maria 1824 - 18420207 aged 18.

Mary Savage married 17310301 to Michael Manning, 1666 - 17461017.

Sarah Savage of London named Thomas Bamford of Tetbury as father of her twins, the boy lived reference P328a OV 5/2 dated 12-Apr 1776

Thomas Savage 1680 - 17291204 and his widow Mary 1681 - 17630721 aged 82, baptised John 17091005, Mary 17120224, buried Child 17140506, baptised Thomas 17170111 - 17290226 aged 12, William 17191108 and Charles 17230222 - 17240716 lived 17 months.

William Savage Apprentice with Abraham Munday reference D 566 L 7/8 dated 24-Dec 1731
It looks like he was taught Woolstapling

William Savage was charged by the Court Leet Foreign Jury on 29 Sept, 1746, with erecting a gate in North Hayes, penalties of 24-5-0

William Savage, Woolstapler, Master for apprentice John Randell reference Kew Public Records Office IR 1 51 dated 2-Jan 1753

William Savage 16911023, son of Francis, was buried 17751019 aged 84, married Sarah Jenkins of Preston near Cirencester 17210611. She was buried 17670723 aged 73. No children were baptised at Tetbury.
On 20 July 1732 William agreed to administer the estate of Jane Johnston's son John.

William Savage baptised Thomas 17630508.

William Savage and wife Anne, have a Settlement certificate from Avening, reference P 328a OV 3/1/2 dated 01-Mar 1752

William Savage, his wife Anne and son were returned to the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor at Avening, reference P328a OV 3/2/1 dated 16-Mar 1772

Widow Savage buried her daughter Mary 17040324 and was buried herself 17131006

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