ElectroDruid's Page-O-Stuff

Otter (Pictures)

Pictures Of My Face.

Here are some assorted images of me, in roughly chronological order. Those of a nervous disposition may wish to avert their eyes.

Me, aged about 17, pretending to use two phones at once. My good buddy Sammo had just got his first digicam and we were doing silly poses in College.

Me, Sammo and a bloke who I'd never met before, posing. We decided that we'd form a fake band, and this was a publicity shot. The band was going to be called The Beatmasters (I think a band called that exists now), and this was to be the cover for our debut album "Get Some Funk". Interestingly, Sammo can't play any musical instruments yet features quite heavily in some more musically themed photos further down the page.

Me (circa 2000), horribly horribly drunk at a flatwarming party. Arugably the drunkest I've ever been. I drank that whole litre of vodka, no mixers. Not recommended.

Me, as a LARP character called Netsu. He was an insane Dark Elf mage, but he wasn't much fun to play. Lester is much more fun (scroll down a bit to see him).

Dancing stupidly in a ludicrously exclusive nightclub inside an art museum in Glasgow. Jay Kay from Jamiroquai was there that night, and me and Eirah (the bloke behind me in the photo) upstaged him with our silly dancing. He was not impressed. (But everyone else was) :o)

My 21st birthday, in what became my local pub in Dundee (Gawd bless ya, The Beat Bar!)

Me, from a weird angle. Also in the shot are Shaun (left, an ex flatmate of mine) and Suzanne (bottom right, an ex girlfriend)

Lester, my current LARP character. This was taken in 2002. The costume has changed a lot since then but the elements of "crap jester" are still there.

Me being smug and surrounded by assorted groupies on a night out in Dundee which featured an air guitar contest. I won, and was the Scottish air guitar champion for 2 years afterwards. I did a rendition of Jimi Hendrix's version of The Star Spangled Banner.

The same night, rocking out with a be-wigged Sammo.

Team Bucket, 2003 (left to right: me, Stu, Matt and Jawad). We did a group project in uni, making a game called "Corpse Wars: Afternoon of the Living Dead". Stu and Matt went on to be in Team Brick with me when we made "Zoo Crew" for Dare To Be Digital.

Me with my two best friends, Stef (left) and Ben (right) on the day I graduated. I'm wearing a kilt sporting my clan tartan (MacNeil), and a rather fetching Mr. T style mohawk because they didn't give us those square flat hat things.

Me with Becky, an old friend of mine from college, and now my flatmate in Leeds. We named the flat "'Nam", 'cos we thought it'd be funny.. She is one of the loveliest people I've ever had the chance of meeting, which is nice.The reason I'm so hairy in that shot is that I was in the middle of a "grow the nastiest moustache" competition with my mate Jed...

... I won.

This is my big brother's living room/recording studio. Sammo, myself and a guy called Neil have been writing LARP songs for a while. We formed a band called The Bricks, and this is us recording our debut album "A Brick Over Troubled Mortar". That guitar is Rachel, the love of my life since I was about 15. Sadly all the time she's spent in fields has done her no good and I've had to buy a new guitar now. But she's still lovely.

The recording trip. Here I am rocking out on a Cornish clifftop, having just finished writing "The Carpentry Song"

Part of the album photoshoot. This is The Bricks in prison for writing songs which were too offensive. Sammo plays Cassius, a sentient rock golem, and Neil (who looks quite normal in real life) plays Kasimir Svettirssen, the Skald Of Love. As ya do...

Another publicity shot. Lester's typical way to wake up in the morning: Hung-over, with no idea of where he is...


The cover to the greatest album of all time...


A recent mug shot, showing the beginnings of my hair-growing experiment.

A rather terrifying shot of my hair-based progress

©2005 Stephen McGreal (except for the bits I stole)

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