ElectroDruid's Page-O-Stuff

Ferret (About Me)

About You?

Yes, about me. Here are some words. Me, briefly: A left-handed Aquarian visionary with above average intelligence and an obsession with technology and it's use to create other worlds. I have just enough (rage-fuelled?) energy to get up in the morning, and just enough self-esteem to look at myself comfortably in the mirror. I live for irony. And tea, and hugs.Time and experience have served to harden me with cynicism and pessimism, but my ability to trust people in a quest for meaningful contact knows very few bounds. Wow, that sounded deep, didn't it?



In no particular order or logic, I like ham and cheese toasties, the feel of brand new socks, Pink Floyd, George Orwell, movies directed by David Cronenberg, Tim Burton and Jan Svankmajer, warm rain, caffeine in all forms, preferably in ridiculous excess, real ale, things which are "bad" for me, dancing so strangely that people think I'm on drugs, pies, faintly kinky sexual habits (when I get the chance - mostly I have to settle for vanilla or plain old celibacy), smoking, Chris Morris, Eddie Izzard, intelligent conversation, stupid conversation, Jack Black, lava lamps, videogames, music of all descriptions, silliness, sleeping, vikings, giant robots, pretending to be someone else, understatement, writing music/film/prose/short stories/shopping lists, and sleeping. Amongst other things.

Here's some more stuff...

More Stuff, Eh? I Feel So Lucky!

Good for you. Happy I could help

Name: Stephen McGreal

AKA: ElectroDruid, Masked Flamingo, Lester The Jester and various other fairly bizarre guises.

Date I Arrived On This Planet: 12th February 1981. I've been here 24 years now, and still no sign of the spaceship to take me home.

Height: 5'9" (at least last time I checked)

Eyes: two

Come On, Be Serious: Oh, okay, they're hazel. They fade from brown to green depending on my mood.

Hair: Usually shaved, but I'm currently growing it as an experiment. If it works out I'll have hair like Dylan Moran (brown, messy, hobbit-like)

Favourite food: Lasagne

Favourite drink: Real Ale. I have several favourites, but Lia Fail is well worth checking out.

Favourite colour: Mauve.

Favourite Book: George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four (coincidentally also my LEAST favourite book)

Favourite Film: Pink Floyd -The Wall

Favourite Pastime: Sleep

Other Pastimes: Programming, drinking, chain smoking, more sleeping (when I don't have a deadline), talking gibberish, LARP, writing music & films & websites, and planning the downfall of civilisation.

Favourite Animal: Hmmm... It's a toss-up between frogs and badgers. Frogs, of course, are not mustelids, but they have opposable thumbs which makes them our evolutionary equal. Plus they're GREEN. And amphibious. And when they have sex they go for THREE DAYS STRAIGHT.

Current Favourite Phrase: "That's a completely different kettle of fish"

Current Favourite Sound effect: "fffffffRING!!!!!! Ecky ecky ecky!"

Favourite Joke: "What's brown and sticky? A stick!"

Most Embarrassing Moment: Falling out of a bus whilst very drunk

Favourite Sight: Green hills and woods

Favourite Sound: Rain on a tent

Favourite Smell: A slighty overheating Spectrum power pack

Favourite Taste: Tea. Not so much for the taste but for its miraculous ability to make any problem seem not so bad after all. It's an English thing...

Favourite Feel: The skin of a girl I love, asleep in bed. A close second for favourite smell as well.

Short-term Goal: To get to the pub

Middle-Term Goal: Showing the videogame industry how this stuff is SUPPOSED to work (the idiots). Possibly by setting up my own Indie company a few years down the line.

Long-Term Goal: Total world domination and/or destruction.

©2005 Stephen McGreal (except for the bits I stole)

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