How to link Juno

In case you lose your mind and want to...

Okay, first things first...LINK TO THE WARNING PAGE, unless you have specific interest in a certain pairing. Even then, link to the warning page and then say "You're gonna want (Ryoken/Daiken/Mira/the nonexistant Hiyako/Takori) in here." It's not that I don't want to warp minds, it's that I like my flames to come from crazy people who call me a traitor for not liking a given pairing, rather than someone who says that their little sib/self/dog was warped by me. It's like consent, y'know?

What was I saying?

Okay, two. E-mail me. I'm vain and I like to have my ego stroked. And I'll sometimes do a link back, too.

And now, that you've heard all that, the REAL reason for this page...the loverly button Eris made for me.

Pritty, ain't it?

Okay, now. Link away...

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