California Vacation 2000

June 3 - 9, 2000

Day :  1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Day 3 : June 5, 2000


Here is my family, at a scenic view of Yosemite Valley.


I thought this view was so nice that I decided to take a shot with my to-be-wife (after I photoshop her picture right around my arms)


After stopping by Vista Point at the base of Yosemite Falls, we went to the Yosemite Village which had eating establishments, gift store, art store, and museum. For lunch we went nearby to a picnic spot and ate lunch that had a beautiful view of El Capitan.


With a powerful pair of binoculars you can just barely see people climbing up the sheer side of El Capitan.


Linda, enjoying the view atop Glacier point, right across the valley from Half Dome.


Not the best picture but you can see the magnificent view of Half Dome. It was here that we all sat up onto of Glacier Point to have a drawing contest. Equipped with just one box of Crayola Crayons we were to color any part of Yosemite Park. Hannah won first place without dispute and had it not been for my parents to judge, myself and Brian would have gotten 2nd and 3rd place but he disqualified us to make it fair for everyone else.


Here is another picture of the Jenie, Josephine, and Theresa


This is Ed...always alone or always off to the side in many of these pictures.  Cool picture huh?


Almost able to get rid of my brother...but the better side got to me and so I just snapped this picture instead.

Day :  1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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