Vulnerability of Native American Monuments
Native American Monuments are vulnerable to vandalism, erosion and development projects.  Shown below are the vandalized petroglyphs near Leo, Ohio.  This site has suffered typical vandalism such as carved initials but also appears to have had a petroglyph removed from the rock.  I have received unconfirmed information that the petroglyph in question was confused with a Mastodon footprint and it's current whereabouts are  unknown.  Please follow any posted guidelines while visiting Native American Monuments and
don't hesitate to turn someone in who is destroying our National Treasures.
The most famous of the Leo Petroglyphs.  Some people see a demon, but I see a smiling figure wearing a headdress.
The Leo Petroglyphs are credited to the Fort Ancient Culture.  The petroglyphs are sheltered but not guarded.  There is also a wondeful nature trail at this site where you can view the rare Hemlock tree and the environment it creates. 
The pit has a diameter of about two feet. 
This site has glyphs of other footprints so to confuse it with a Mastodon is a perfectly understandable mistake...

for a little fairy boy that is.
Thanks to Gayle for the photos.